Monday, June 2, 2008


Holy Wars
Theme Music: Megadeth “Time: The End”

AM: Welcome everyone to DPW Holy Wars live at the BankAtlantic Center in Fort Lauderdale, Florida. I’m Angus MacDudley and with me as always, Xander Starr.

XS: Tonight we have NINE big matchups lined up for our fans tonight, including the icon Corey O’Brian challenging the undefeated Monster Takeshi for the DPW World Championship. Also tonight, a grudge match, The Razorback Mike Blood faces off against “American Made” Chris Koger, who has made himself the most hated man in DPW right now.

AM: Well we are about to have our first contest, folks, Jin Haisha is facing off against the man who made his comeback at Winter of Souls, Masashi Togashi.


Togashi slaps his own chest and motioning for Haisha to come over to start this contest

AM: Togashi letting “Most Failure” get the first shot...

Haisha walks over to the legend like a rookie cop approaching a bomb... and nails a big chop, but while it did little to Masashi Togashi, Haisha shakes his own hand. Togashi then fires back with a series of chops knocking Jin Haisha to the corner, then tosses him to the center of the ring. The dazed jobber rises to his feet but is immediately floored with a lariat.

XS: Ouch! Togashi going for the cover, one, two... Haisha barely kicks out.

Togashi pulls Haisha up and goes to the ropes, but Haisha ducks the second lariat attempt and fires back with a series of chops! These catch the Dragon King by suprise and he gets knocked to the canvas, Haisha however too occupied with shaking his hand to make a cover. Togashi gets back to his feet and sets up for a vertical suplex, but Haisha blocks it and hits one of his own before going to the corner and stamping his feet!

AM: What’s Haisha going for here...

Togashi gets up and Haisha goes for a superkick, but Togashi blocks it, throwing Haisha’s leg down before grabbing his arms and throwing him with the Suicide Plex! The academic cover gets a three count.

XS: And The Dragon King making quick work of Jin Haisha tonight. Togashi helping Haisha to his feet and giving him a pat on the shoulder for the effort.

AM: Jin Haisha tries so hard to do well here in DPW but has yet to win a single match. You really got to admire his willingness to keep on going despite loss after loss.


Chris DaMico offers his hand to the female phenom, who takes it thinking he was going to shake her hand, but instead he kisses it. Desmond goes onto the apron to yell at him, and REIKA is distracted, opening her up for an elbow to the face followed up by a quick backslide for a nearfall

XS: What a cheap shot by DaMico, and he knows full well of the relationship between REIKA and Desmond.

REIKA gets to her feet and unloads with a pair of chops and a snapmare, locking DaMico in a sleeper. DaMico counters by grabbing her sleeper arm and wringing her arm as he goes behind her, then rolls her into a Magistral for another nearfall. REIKA rolls to her feet and dropkicks DaMico, who kips up and hits a one-legged dropkick, then went for a jackknife pin. REIKA however used her legs to hook his arms and rolls him to a pinning combination for a nearfall. DaMico kicked out and rolled out of the ring, and REIKA headed to the opposite ropes before launching herself through the ropes onto DaMico!

AM: OH! Nice suicida by REIKA there.

XS: And it’s energetic offense like that that make REIKA so popular with the fans.

REIKA rolls DaMico back into the ring and follows him for a cover, but Chris gets his foot on the bottom rope. REIKA then signals to the crowd and pulls DaMico to his feet setting for her Northern Lights Suplex Hold, but DaMico blocked it and hit the DaMico DDT! He then got to his feet, crossed her arms, and used his leg to secure them as pulled her legs up and posed!

AM: Delphin Clutch! One, two, REIKA gets out!

DaMico was unfazed by this, delivering a snap suplex as he went to the top rope, going for the moonsault that defeated REIKA the last time they battled. REIKA however rolled out of the way at the last moment, and DaMico landed on the canvas. REIKA pulled herself to her feet just as DaMico did, and he grabbed her arm to set for La Rosa Del Entiero, but REIKA elbowed him in the face and whipped him into the ropes, hitting him with a flying lariat before heading to the top rope....

XS: Here it comes... REIKA DiveBomb!

REIKA lands her signature 450 splash, and the ref counted to three!

AM: Nicely done contest between REIKA and DaMico. Coming up next, one of the most brutal teams in DPW, Red Death, team up to face a team that has never won as a unit, Team Handsome Tokyo.

MATCH THREE: RED DEATH (Genocide and Shinokumo) vs TEAM HANDSOME TOKYO (Yoshiro Tenmaku and Jintaro Mazaki)

Jintaro and Genocide start the match. Jintaro circles the shooter, who eventually grows tired of it and unloads with a forearm to the throat, then mounted Jintaro and unloaded with a series of punches. The referee started a five count and Mazaki was let go. “Mr. J” tried to get to Tenmaku but Genocide pulled him to the center of the ring and used a leglock to hold him back. Mazaki kicked Genocide in the face, rolling to his corner but Genocide cut off the tag by hitting Tenmaku off the apron and hiptossed him into the Red Death corner. He tagged in Shinokumo who went to the top rope and hit a knee drop, pinning Mazaki for a two count.

XS: Red Death doing what they do best, and that’s isolating one man and picking him into pieces.

Shinokumo hammers away at Jintaro and Mazaki answered by kicking him in the ribs, snapmaring him and going for a sleeper.

AM: Mazaki should be going for a tag not working over Shinokumo what is he thinking?

Shinokumo makes it to his feet and Jintaro jumps on his back using his legs to scissor the waist of Shinokumo, who simply falls backwards and bridges, forcing Jintaro to let go so he could avoid being pinned. Shinokumo moved between Jintaro and Tenmaku then elbowed him in the face as he got to his feet. Jintaro grabbed a second elbow and used an arm wringer, using his other hand to tag Tenmaku! Yoshiro got to his feet and wrung the other arm, and the both of them would use their near legs to kick Shinokumo in the face! Tenmaku went to the top rope and went for a Corkscrew Moonsault, but Shinokumo lifted his knees up! Shinokumo then went to the neutral corner to set up for a moonsault of his own, but Jintaro ran to the corner and did what can only be described as a Jumping J-Cutter with Shinokumo’s head hitting the post!

XS: The J-Cutter! Jintaro can hit that from anywhere, and he just proved it!

Tenmaku went behind Shinokumo then hit the Kudome Valentine, covering him for a nearfall. Shinokumo would block a kneelkick and headed to the ropes, smashing Tenmaku’s face in with a leg lariat, then nailed a vicious brainbuster. Tag to Genocide, who delivered MMA style knees to Tenmaku until Mazaki came to his partners rescue, nailing him with a Gamengiri. Shinokumo went inside the ring, but Mazaki gave him a Gamengiri as well, knocking him to a knee, setting for Tenmaku’s “Shining Sex Symbol”. Genocide went to hit Tenmaku with a roaring elbow but Mazaki stopped him after the rotation and nailed a J-Germany! Tenmaku would make the cover, but Genocide would kick out at two and tag back to Shinokumo. Shinokumo wasted no time hitting Tenmaku with a Nothern Lights Bomb and made a nearfall, prompting an attempt at the Blood Web Driver. Tenmaku however went between Shinokumo’s legs and tagged in Mazaki, who hit the “J-Rush”, sending Genocide to his knees again. The team nodded at each other, and headed to the ropes, jumping onto them and springboarding off into a double Kenka Kick to the face of Shinokumo!

AM: They call that Hachiko Square!

Tenmaku cut off Genocide as Jintaro made the cover, and the referee’s hand hit the mat three times!

XS: They did it! Team Handsome Tokyo pick up their first win as a team here in DPW!


Desmond and Williams locked up in the middle of the ring jockeying for position, and Kevin would stomp on Desmond’s foot before elbowing him. Desmond would fire back with a chop and the two would exchange blows before Williams blocked a chop and dragged him to the mat with a fujiwar armbar, and Desmond would make it to the ropes. Both men got back to their feet, Kevin attempted a dropkick but Desmond stepped away, then got to his feet to duck an attempt for a chokeslam, but couldn’t evade a kick to the stomach followed by a suplex floated over to a one count. Back to a standing position, Kevin dropkicked Desmond in the chest and went to the top rope, but his knee drop attempt ended in failure when Desmond rolled away. Desmond wisely applied a figure four!

AM: Very back and forth bout so far.

Kevin turned over and grabbed onto the bottom rope, and the two got back to a neutral position. The two could trade chops and Kevin would kick Desmond in the chest and drop him with the piledriver! A two count would follow, and Desmond would counteract it with a stunner! Desmond would get to the apron and prepare to hit the Jackpot Kick, but when Kevin got up he managed to get to Desmond’s rope and make him jump back to avoid crotching himself. Kevin would then hit him with a lariat knocking him on the apron, before going to the top rope and delivering a knee drop to Desmond!

XS: NICE! I’ve never seen that before.

Kevin rolled back into the ring and dragged Desmond into the ring proper, climing to the top again, this time for a Revolutionized but Desmond would roll away! Kevin got up holding his back and turned around... right into a chokeslam! Desmond hooked the leg, one, two, three!

MATCH FIVE: Robert Gemini vs Socks O’Brian

Robert Gemini comes out alone without his mentor Koger, but still gets booed for being associated with the man who is against all that DPW stands for. Socks, on the other hand, is as popular as ever as he slaps hands with the fans to “Sweet Child O’ Mine”, but Koger jumps the rail and hits Socks over the back of the head with a chair!

AM: What a cheap shot!

Gemini wastes no time in setting Socks for the Falling Star, but Socks, wether by having a bit of awareness still with him, Gemini failing to secure the move properly, or by sheer luck, slips out of Gemini’s hands and lands on the canvas. Gemini attempts to set him up again, but this time Socks rolls through with a sunset flip... one, two, three! Gemini was completely caught off guard and is beside himself, and Koger immediately argues with the ref that that was a fast count.

XS: Oh, yeah, he’s one to talk, he assaulted Socks to give his student an easy win! He’s just upset that his plan backfired! Serves them right!

Socks is still dazed from the chairshot and begins to stand up when Koger hits him with the Patriot Act, then sets him up for the Koger Driver until Mike Blood and Corey O’Brian come out for the save, causing the jingoistic heels to bail. Corey helps his cousin up as Blood starts yelling at Koger, yelling, “DON’T FORGET, YOUR ASS IS MINE TONIGHT!”

AM: If Koger wasn’t already the most hated man in DPW right now, he definately is now..

Then, October Raven himself comes out through the curtains, and Koger froze in his tracks

OR: Alright, Koger. What did I tell you about assaulting wrestlers? Didn’t I tell you not to pull that again? Well Koger, I warned you, and this time I’m going to do something about it. So here’s the deal Koger. If Mike Blood beats you tonight... you’re out, you’re barred from DPW for life.

Koger: What do I get if I win?

OR: Your fucking paycheck. What, you think I’m going to reward you after what you did?

Koger takes a step towards October

OR: You want to start something, punk? Take one more step closer to me and I’ll choke your ass out right here right now. I’m not done. The both of you are going to be confined to your dressing rooms during the next match. And if ANYONE, that means Gemini, that means either of the O’Brians, that means ANYONE does any more run-ins tonight, they will be suspended for a year without pay on the spot! NOW I’m done.

OR heads to the back, and Koger and Blood exchange glances and threats before they leave the arena as well.

AM: The boss laying down the law again, showing Koger that there is zero tolerance for shenanigans in DPW.

MATCH SIX: Hotaka Tokudo vs. Thomas Clarke

Unlike the previous match, this starts out fair and square, with Tokudo and Clarke locking up. Tokudo has the obvious strength advantage but Clarke manages to use leverage to throw him into a suplex for a quick one count. Still holding the knuckle lock, Tokudo twists the arms of Clarke, releasing to hit him with a series of elbows sending Clarke to the outside to recover.

XS: The Battle Lord is all business tonight.

Clarke rolls back in the ring at 8 and ducks another elbow before returning the favor with closed fists. Tokudo blocks one of the blows and delivers a Greco-Roman style belly to belly then a knee drop for a two count. Clarke gets back up only to get thrown again by another huge suplex by Tokudo, this one being followed up by a lariat. Tokudo then sets for the Karelin’s Lift but Clarke manages to break Tokudo’s grip, slip behind him, and hit Her Majesty’s Backbreaker before settling into a half crab!

AM: Clarke with a very clever counter to the Karelin’s Lift, a move designed to have complete leverage over an opponent.

Tokudo manages to get a rope break and they get back into a neutral position. Tokudo goes for a vertical suplex, but Clarke catches Tokudo’s leg, gets a hammerlock go-behind before bringing him down to the canvas, before going back to the leg to work on it. Again Tokudo gets to the ropes, and goes to the ropes for a lariat but is slowed down enough for Clarke to duck under and catch Tokudo on the way back with a powerslam! He then measures up Tokudo for the London Bomber but Tokudo ducks and catches him, and barely manages to throw him for a release German! After struggling to his feet, he gets the dazed Clarke in position for the Bohi, but Clarke starts to counter it into a tombstone of his own, but Tokudo’s leg gives out on him before Clarke could land on his own feet! The cover gets two. Clarke picks up Tokudo for Her Majesty’s Backdrop, but is unable to capitalize with a pinfall. Instead Tokudo gets to his feet, and Clarke manages to at the same time... and a simultaneous lariat and London Bomber floors both men!

XS: This could be it! Whoever can get the cover will probably get the win here!

Clarke manages to turn over and drape his arm over Tokudo, and the ref counts!


Tokudo got his shoulder up, then uses the momentum to turn Clarke over while his own arm is draped over the English Hero!


Clarke is unable to turn over like Tokudo did, and the referee starts a count. By 8 both men are back to a neutral base. Clarke hits the London Bomber but Tokudo gets right back up and nails a lariat! Clarke gets back up himself and goes for another London Bomber, but it’s ducked, and Tokudo hits a quick Bohi! It was clear that he didn’t get all of it because of his injured leg, but he picked Clarke up and hit another Bohi for good measure before making the cover... one... two... THREE!

MATCH SEVEN: Chris Koger vs Mike Blood

Koger is triple-checked for foreign objects before the match starts, and all the while Blood is cracking his knuckles. The bell rings and Mike charges at him making Koger duck out of the ring to the displeasure of the fans. Eventually Blood is fed up with waiting for him to get back in the ring that he goes out there and throws Koger back in himelf. Koger gets to his feet and fires off some right hands but Blood returns the favor and nails a huge scoop slam and Koger rolls out of the ring before Blood can do more damage. Blood doesn’t even wait this time though and goes right after Koger, smashing his head into the ringpost and guardrail before rolling him back into the ring. Suddenly, October Raven stepped out again, but doesn’t say anything. Both Blood and Koger look to see if he does, but Koger quickly uses this to his advantage to hit a release suplex before going to the top for a flying elbow... that misses it’s mark as Blood rolls away. Koger starts to beg off but Blood will have nothing of it, picking Koger up and pointing to the ropes, but Koger stomps on his foot and nails another fist before delivering a Manhattan Drop and a Boston Crab. Blood manages to power out of the hold, and Koger ends up on one knee... and Blood gets ready to deliver the ‘Bloody Wizard’ but Koger rolls out of the ring and heads up the ramp.

OR: Don’t forget. You lose, you’re fired.

Koger glares at October Raven and rolls back into the ring, and Blood is waiting for him setting up his elbow pad. Koger rolls back out and circles the ring, getting back on the apron. Blood takes the bait and Koger grabs him by the head and drops him neckfirst on the ropes! He gets back in the ring and stomps on Blood before picking him up and nailing a belly to belly and a delayed suplex, finally hitting the Patriot Act for a nearfall. He starts arguing with the referee, then looks over his shoulder to see Blood measuring him for a Superkick, so Koger throws the referee into Blood, who accidentally kicks the referee! Unfazed by this cheap tactic, Blood elbows Koger and throws him to the ropes....


But there’s nobody to make the cover! The boss had already headed to the back after Koger finally started getting back in the ring, so Blood had to try to revive the referee. Before he could though, Koger hit him with a low blow, then nailed a Koger Driver just as the referee came to!

XS: No! No! No! Dammit, that’s three!

“1776” by Iced Earth plays as fans start to throw garbage into the ring, obviously upset with the way Koger cheated to keep his job. Eventually rent-a-cops escorted Koger to the back to prevent a riot from starting.

AM: Koger remains unbeaten in DPW, although that was anything but a fair win.

XS: Well we’re about to go to our title matches, but before we do so let me go over something for those unfamiliar with DPW. We don’t believe in the champion keeping his belt if he loses by countout or DQ. It allows for unsportsmanlike behavior to intentionally avoid having to beat their opponent. A champion should be able to defend his title by WINNING, and that’s why in DPW, if the champion loses in ANY form he loses the title.

MATCH EIGHT: Tag Team Championship: Satanic Legion (Raiku Daisatsu and Eric Gacy) vs EUROSTAR(c) (Amazing Jean-Paul and Tony Pescarelli) (c)

AM: AJP and Pescarelli, now calling themselves “EUROSTAR”, are looking to prove that their title win was no fluke...

As soon as Angus says that, the bell rings and Daisatsu forearms AJP in the face before throwing him to the floor. Pescarelli goes to the top for a crossbody but Gacy shoves him down onto the canvas. AJP rolls into the ring and Daisatsu hits him with a Death Valley Bomb before mounting him and nailing headbutt after headbutt on Amazing Jean-Paul until Tony breaks it. AJP evades another attempt at a headbutt and nails a jumping roundhouse before tagging in Pescarelli. Tony nailed a backdrop and used a keylock to try and hold down Daisatsu, but he put a foot on the ropes. Tony tried a suplex but Daisatsu blocked it and nailed a scoop slam before tagging out to Gacy. Daisatsu whipped Tony into the ropes and Gacy caught him on the rebound giving him a flapjack and Tony rolled to the corner for a tag, and Gacy... let him.

XS: Huh. Gacy might not be a veteran. Then again, we know NOTHING about this guy. We run a background check on all our wrestlers, but we couldn’t get anything on Gacy. We don’t know where he’s from, when he was born, where he went to school, we don’t even know if that’s his real name.

AJP nailed a running forearm to stun Gacy, and yelled “STARMAN FOREVER!” before heading to the ropes for a cross chop, which only made Gacy fall to one knee. He went again to the ropes but Gacy recovered and booted him right in the skull!

AM: They call that “The Spike Through The Head”

Gacy followed up with a shoulderbreaker then an elbow drop, and went for a cover. Tony got the save but Daisatsu got a hold of him, and Daisatsu hit him with the Satanic Offering! Then, Gacy put AJP in a gutwrench position, then spun him around in the air before letting him go sending him crashing into the canvas!


Xander was right. One, two, three.

AM: And just like that, we have new tag team champions, who absolutely ran over EUROSTAR, one of the most talented pairings I’ve seen in a long time.

MAIN EVENT: World Championship: Corey O’Brian vs Monster Takeshi(c)

O’Brian and Takeshi both get streamers during the introductions (handled by Angus MacDudley himself) and when the bell rang, O’Brian immediately shot at Takeshi with a MMA-style takedown, floating over to a Jujigatame position until Takeshi got to the ropes. Both men got to their feet and Corey started blasting away at the larger Takeshi with a series of chops to the chest and throat until the referee broke it up. They locked horns and Takeshi was able to throw O’Brian into the corner and hammered away at him with punches to the head, the referee counting to four before Takeshi relented, then used a Vader Crush! He then powerslammed O’Brian for a two count, then hefted him up for a scoopslam, but Corey got to his feet and attempted a sleeper, but Takeshi fell backwards sending O’Brian into the canvas.

XS: In a word: Ow.

Takeshi went to the ropes for a knee drop but O’Brian again got out of the way, and caught Takeshi trying to synch in a Fujiwar Armbar, but again Takeshi managed to fight his way to the ropes. Both men get to their feet, and O’Brian trades chops for elbows until being backed into the ropes. Takeshi tries a Knockout Lariat but Corey ducks down holding the ropes making the big man spill to the floor! Not wanting to let Takeshi recover, he rolled to the arpon and gave Takeshi a modified Calf Branding on the outside before hammering him with elbows.

AM: Corey may have stumbled upon something here!

O’Brian rolls the champion into the ring for a cover, one, two, KICKOUT! Corey immediately hit a lariat stunning Takeshi but not flooring him, and then went to the ropes again to hit a SHOTEI that took the big man down, before going to the top rope for a moonsault!

XS: Classic O’Brian! This was his first finishing move, back from his days as The Silver Ronin!

Unfortunately he’d only get two and a half, and he would go again for a running attack but Takeshi would boot him in the face before delivering a Falcon Arrow Driver. Instead of going for the pinfall however, he puts O’Brian on the top rope facing away from the ring, going to the apron and ascending the turnbuckle...

AM: This isn’t good...

XS: He’s going for the Super Tokyo Tower Bomb, this is how he beat O’Brian last time...

Corey however puts on the brakes, and backdrops Takeshi before falling off the turnbuckle and, by luck or momentum, onto Takeshi! One, two... KICKOUT

AM: What does Corey have to do to put Takeshi away?

Corey attempts to answer that question by getting a hold of the champ’s legs to set for the Sharpshooter, but is kicked off and Takeshi recovers to nail the Knockout Lariat! He pulls O’Brian to his feet, then delivers the Tokyo Tower Bomb!

XS: That’s it it’s over.

One... two... COREY GETS THE SHOULDER UP! The crowd goes INSANE and Takeshi is beside himself, setting O’Brian again for the Tokyo Tower Bomb, only Corey manages to pry Takeshi’s hands off of him and lands on his feet behind him, turning around to deliver a rare dropkick to the back of Takeshi sending him over the ropes and to the floor! Corey follows him out and JUMPS on him, Thesz press style, and the two duke it out on the floor as the ref continues to count.

XS: I think it’s no longer a question of who is going to win, but who is going to survive at this point.

Corey manages to gain the upper hand and sets for a Core Meltdown, but Takeshi blocks him and throws him over his head with a back body drop. Corey ROARS and gets to his feet, EATS a Knockout Lariat before delivering a Shotei and the both of them go down as the referee reaches 15... 16 and Corey is on his feet... 17 and Takeshi gets to a knee... 18 and Corey delivers a rare closed fist to the head as Takeshi stands... 19 as Corey whips Takeshi into the guardrail... and rolls back into the ring just before 20!


XS: And normally this would mean Takeshi retains, but DPW doesn’t play by those rules! After one of the most impressive title runs in history, Corey O’Brian has become the DPW World Champion, and thus the first person in the company to hold both the Tag Team gold and the singles gold!

AM: Corey is just now getting to his feet... and I think he just realized it too, he’s the new champ! And everyone here in Ft. Lauderdale, a half-hour drive from his hometown of Hialeah, is on their feet as well!

At that, Socks O’Brian, Frank Desmond, REIKA, Mike Blood, and Thomas Clarke come out to celebrate with the new champion as his theme, “Oki Kuma’s Adventure” by Machinae Supremacy plays. Eventually the rest of the roster comes to the rim, sans the Satanic Legion, and even Chris Koger comes out. EVERYONE in the ring stares at him, suspecting that he was going to ruin the celebration. But all he does is clap, possibly sarcastically, and make a ‘belt on waist’ motion before heading to the back. Finally, Monster Takeshi gets back into the ring, and stares at O’Brian... and shakes his hand! The two raise each other’s arms to close this historic show!