Sunday, July 6, 2008

Demolition Derby Night One

DPW presents Demolition Derby Night One
Live at the BankAtlantic Center

XS: Welcome everyone to Demolition Pro Wrestling’s Demolition Derby tournament! This is the first of three big nights of DPW action! You’re going to see some of the best Strong Style wrestling in the US today, with a 16-man elimination tournament, and the eight men competing in that tournament tonight will have to win not one but two matches tonight to advance to the final four. The winner of the championship will net 10 large, as well as a title shot at our next event, The Punishment Due.

AM: Not only that, Xander, but we are going to have a three-fall series between the DPW champion and the heart and soul of this company Corey O’Brian, against the man who stands against everything DPW is about, Chris Koger, for the big belt. However unlike most best-of-three matches, we will have the falls over the course of the weekend.

XS: But before we get to any of that folks, Jin Haisha is in the ring, and he’s got what has got to be without a doubt the most uphill battle in his career of uphill battles. Because he faces the now dethroned Monster Takeshi, who is NOT happy with having lost his title via countout at Holy Wars.


Right off the bat, Takeshi charges to Haisha and hammers at him with a series of closed fists to the head. The referee admonishes Takeshi, who picks Haisha up and literally throws him across the ring. Haisha staggers to his feet and pumps his fists as if channeling some inner strength, then UNLOADS with a series of chops which would look pretty impressive if it weren’t for the fact that they were having ABSOLUTELY NO EFFECT on Takeshi, who simply watches Haisha and even picks his nose a bit. Eventually he elbows Haisha in the face and hammers him with a Knockout Lariat. The cover, one, two, Takeshi pulls the shoulder up, hoists him up and drops him with the Falcon Arrow Driver. Cover, one, two, again Takeshi breaks his own pin.

AM: Monster Takeshi just punishing Haisha, who has got to be out of it. The referee may want to call this for Haisha’s own well-being....

Takeshi casually waits in the corner for Jin Haisha to get to his feet and went to deliver another Knockout Lariat, but Haisha ducks and nails the Superkick out of nowhere, making Takeshi stumble!

XS: “Most Failure” is refusing to call it quits!

Haisha stomps the canvas before delivering another Superkick, and Takeshi tiiiiiiiiiiiiimbers to the canvas! Haisha goes for the cover... KICKOUT AT ONE!

AM: That’s got to be a mental blow to Haisha, that superkick is his best move, and even TWO of them couldn’t fell Monster Takeshi!

Haisha tries for the hat trick, but as he goes for the attempt Takeshi just shoulders him down before delivering a vicious elbow to the heart, picking Haisha up and delivering the Tokyo Tower Bomb!

XS: Well, this one’s over... wait... no...

Monster Takeshi picks up Haisha and puts him in position, delivering a SECOND Tokyo Tower Bomb, and starts to hoist him up again before the referee calls for the bell while Haisha is still alive! Takeshi lets go of Haisha who collapses to the canvas and raises his arms before heading out

AM: Well there you have it, the referee ending this match via TKO for Haisha’s own safety... and I don’t know I think Haisha may need an ambulance...

Sure enough, the referee throws up the X, and EMTs start to head down to ringside to get Haisha out.. but before they could put him on the stretcher, Haisha gets up to his knees.

XS: You really got to feel sympathetic to Haisha, he puts so much heart into this business and keeps trying after loss after loss...

Haisha stumbles out of the ring, and using the stretcher for support until the EMTs help him to the back, and the crowd applauds Haisha’s spirit as he leaves the ringside area

AM: He may have lost this match, but no question about it he has had to have earned some respect for facing the man who ran over every challenger in his path as champion.


Kevin Williams was in the ring when “Need for Steve” by Machinae Supremacy played, and out came a wrestler in green tights, a bowtie (but no shirt), and with bleached blonde hair

Announcer: Ladies and gentlemen, introducing the first graduate from the DPW Dojo, from South Bleach, Florida, weighing in at 200 pounds even, he is “The Indyriffic One” Steve Evans!

XS: ...Why is he wearing a bowtie?

The bell rang and “The Anarchist” immediately went for Evans, locking up with the newbie. They jockey for position but end up breaking, and Evans kicks Williams in the shin a couple times before the two traded elbow strikes. Eventually Evans would duck an elbow, grab Williams’ leg, trip the other one, and yell “I JUST KICKED YOUR LEG OUT FROM UNDER YOUR LEG!” before applying a half crab.

AM: Evans looking very good so far.

Kevin managed to get to the ropes and Evans would pull him to the center of the ring by the leg, but Williams got to his feet and kicked away from Evans’ grip, hitting a lariat and following up with an Anarchy Stomp. Pin gets two, and Evans scoops and slams Williams before nailing a leg drop and going to the top rope. Williams would roll out of the way and get on one knee, putting his finger to his lips as Evans would hit the moonsault on nothing but canvas, Williams immediately following up with a La Magistral for another nearfall. Evans would hit a belly to belly, before picking Williams up and hitting him with a Tiger Driver for a nearfall, Kevin rolling to his feet and dropkicking Evans in the face before putting him the Irish Whip and setting up for Anarchy Round the World, but Evans slipped out of the move, spun Kevin around, and nailed a sick DDT! He then reached into his boots...

XS: Wait a second! Is he going for a foreign object?! The head trainer Corey O’Brian would not appreciate... wait a second... is that a...

Xander’s realization was that Evans wasn’t getting a weapon, he was getting a SLIM JIM! He opened the package and got to the top rope, biting into it as he hit a beautiful flying elbow! One, two, kickout!

AM: Evans really snapped into that Slim Jim, Xander...

Williams may have kicked out of that elbow but he was definately on his last legs, and Evans put him in a suplex position, yelling “PERFECT HAIR FOREVER!” before hoisting up Kevin and rotating 180 degrees before dropping Williams with a brainbuster in the middle of the ring before floating over! One, two, three!


Shinokumo goes right out of the gate with a dropkick to the leg of “The Battle Lord”, and Tokudo goes down clutching his leg, Shinokumo following up with a knee drop to the injured appendage.

XS: He must have watched Tokudo’s match at Holy Wars and figured that Tokudo’s leg was still hurting.

Shinokumo stands Tokudo up and does a Dragon Screw on the injured leg, hoisting him back up for a second but Tokudo managed to free his leg and deliver a closed fist to the chest, followed by a series of elbows and chops. He went for a scoop slam but his leg gave out on him and Shinokumo fell on top of him for a one count.

AM: Tokudo might not be able to deliver any of his big moves, leaving him to his striking game which, while a formidable one, isn’t nearly as dangerous as that of Shinokumo.

Tokudo got to his feet but Shinokumo, using the infamous “Inoki Technique”, stayed on the ground while kicking at Tokudo’s leg. Eventually Tokudo backed away from Shinokumo forcing him to get back to a vertical base, using the Green Mist before going to the ropes and nailing a leg lariat! Cover, one, two, kickout. Shinokumo got to his feet and hit the Muta-style moonsault press, one, two, kickout. Shinokumo was still able to get up before Tokudo could recover and nailed a Penalty Kick, one, two, kickout! Shinokumo finally decided he had ENOUGH and set up for the Blood Web Driver, but Tokudo blocked it, and hoisted Shinokumo for what looked like a backdrop, but his legs again gave out on him and fell on his backside, Shinokumo landing on his head like an Ax Guillotine Driver! Tokudo didn’t go for the pin, but instead crawled to the ropes, bringing himself to his feet as Shinokumo seemed to be out of it, but finally Shinokumo managed to get to his feet to eat a lariat! Tokudo went back to the ropes, leaning on his good leg as Shinokumo again got back to his feet... ANOTHER lariat, and his leg almost caused him to collapse this time. He was able to recover and get to the ropes, but a third lariat attempt would end with Shinokumo dropkicking the injured leg, and then he followed up with a Northern Lights Bomb. One, two, three!

XS: Really hard-fought match, but Tokudo’s injured leg kept him from picking up the win. Maybe he should consider taking some time off to let that heal.

MATCH THREE: Chris DaMico vs Thomas Clarke

Clarke and DaMico spent the first minuite or so faking out each other, until Clarke finally shot at DaMico, taking him to a guard position, but DaMico grabbed his arms and wrapped his legs around them, crossing his legs so his boots were pressing up on Clarke’s neck.

XS: I’ve never seen that hold before, DaMico is a master of these unique holds and pinning combinations. If he wins this tournament, and Corey beats Koger... man would that ever be a must-see match...

Clarke was able to back into the ropes, and both men went back to the veritcal base. Clarke whipped DaMico into the corner and DaMico did his trademark “Wall Flip”, but Clarke was ready for it using the wall flip to put him in position for Her Majesty’s Backdrop! A cover got two, and Clarke would try another lateral press for a one count. He put DaMico in a headlock, but “The King of Roses” got to a standing position, escaped via a go-behind hammerlock, then hopped on Clarke’s shoulders before hitting a Mysterio Rana for a nearfall, rolling through and putting Clarke’s legs in a figure four, then holding onto them as he bent over and locked Clarke’s upper body crucifix style before rolling Clarke’s shoulders to the mat! This also got a nearfall, and DaMico would hit Clarke with his one-legged dropkick. He looked like he was going for a Delphin Clutch but Clarke kicked him in the head and quickly took control with a half crab! DaMico got to the ropes and rolled under the ropes to the apron. Clarke tried to bring him back to the ring the hardway but DaMico rolled with it and used an old-school prawn hold for a nearfall. Clarke would recover with a butterfly suplex and followed up with a keylock armbar. DaMico bridged to loosen up the hold but Clarke instead grabbed DaMico’s leg and rolled him to his feet and nailed a short-range London Bomber! The cover... one... two... KICKOUT! Clarke would then set for Her Majesty’s Backbreaker but DaMico used the momentum to his favor with a lucha-style arm drag reversal, finally wrapping Clarke in the La Rosa Del Entiero submission! Clarke tried to avoid giving up but there was nowhere to go, and eventually he had to condede the match!

MATCH FOUR: Socks O’Brian vs Masashi Togashi

Togashi started this match with chops that floored Socks each time they landed, but eventually Socks would get hit with one that didn’t floor him and he’d answer with some chops of his own, landing a dropkick that sent Togashi into the corner, then Socks did a machinegun chop combo, ending it with a jumping knee to the face! Socks would run to the ropes to follow up with a lariat that sent Togashi over the ropes. Socks would try to suplex Togashi back into the ring, but Togashi would block it and send Socks to the floor! Hopping off the apron Togashi would roll Socks back into the ring for a pinfall attempt: One, Two, kickout at two. Socks would get a couple Fireman’s Carries off but Togashi would elbow him in the face and delivered a vertical suplex followed by a gutwrench suplex. Socks would recover and nail a superkick, those socked feet hitting Togashi right in the mouth!

AM: Stocking Stuffer!

This only stunned Togashi however, so Socks had to deliver an enzuigiri before heading to the ropes to
Attempt a “Sock Hop” running stomp of DOOM but Togashi rolls away and gets to his feet and hits a lariat on the way up, then lifted Socks putting him in the full nelson before going for the Dragon Suplex, however Socks would lower his center of gravity in an attempt to prevent the lift, so Togashi let go, elbowed Socks HARD in the back of the head before locking the full nelson back in and hitting that Dragon Suplex! One, two, three!

DPW Tag Team Championship: EUROSTAR (Amazing Jean-Paul and Tony Pescarelli) vs Satanic Legion (Eric Gacy and Raiku Daisatsu) (c)

EUROSTAR was looking for redemption due to their huge loss against the Legion, Tony starting out against Daisatsu and nailing a pair of armdrags before following up with an armbar, but Daisatsu gets to the ropes. Tony attempts a dropkick but Daisatsu swats it down, headbutting Tony who stumbles to his partner. AJP springboards off the apron and nails a flying spinkick and then nails a flawless Hollywood Star Press for a two count. Daisatsu was continuously nailed by Savate kicks, until he managed to block a roundhouse kick and nail a vicious headbutt. Tag to Gacy who grabbed AJP by the singlet and bumrushed him shoulderfirst into the steel ringpost. Gacy then pulls AJP to the center of the ring by his feet then does a giant swing while AJP is still facing down, throwing him like a rag doll when he was done. Tag back to Daisatsu, who would set up for the Satanic Offering but AJP would escape and hit a Tiger Suplex whip, tagging Pescarelli in.

XS: That looked like it was going to be it there.

Pescarelli would get to the top rope for a crossbody for a two count, and then set up for a half hatch suplex, but Daisatsu would hoist Tony in the air and flip him over to the canvas. He would drop the headbutt and tag Gacy in, who would measure Pescarelli as he got to his feet... then nailed the “Spike Through Your Head” running boot before elbowing AJP off the apron. Then he lifted Pescarelli up and hit the Black Spiral Dance. One, two, three.

AM: And once again, the Satanic Legion make quick work of the team that managed to put away the O’Brians. This team seem to be unstoppable, just like Monster Takeshi was as DPW Champion.

MATCH ONE: Steve Evans vs Masashi Togashi

Evans started this one, having more time to rest than Togashi, throwing a deep arm drag followed by a springboarding cross body block for a quick one count, and rolled off posing for the crowd. His posturing allowed Togashi to recover, stiffing him with an elbow and a series of chops. He threw Evans into the ropes and hit a knee lift to the face following up with a scoop slam and a chinlock. Evans would slip out of the hold and rolled to the apron. Standing up, he shouldered Togashi in the gut and hopped over the ropes, catching Togashi’s waist with a legs to hit a Yoshi Tonic for a two count!

XS: Nicely done there, usually you only see a regular sunset flip from that position. I might steal that two nights from now.

Evans would slam Togashi down, then CABBAGE PATCH over Togashi before hitting a big legdrop. He wouldn’t go for a covter instead he would apply a butterfly hold, using it to bring Togashi to his feet to follow with a Tiger Driver for another nearfall!

AM: Wow. Our own champion, Corey O’Brian, is one of the head trainers in DPW Dojo, so it’s no suprise that someone who learned from an experienced technician like O’Brian would be able to come up with offense like that.

Evans would reach into his boots for a Slim Jim again, but as he was opening up the package Togashi was able to get up and hit him with a backdrop! A dazed Evans couldn’t defend himself as Togashi brought him to his feet for the Suicide Plex and a three count.

XS: And his showboating backfired big time! I dont think O’Brian taught those shenanigans. I’m sure he might have some words for the kid after tonight.

AM: Well beef sticks aside, Evans did impress tonight, not only with his win over Kevin Williams, but he was able to press an advantage over a top-notch wrestler in Masashi Togashi. If that’s what the DPW Dojo can bring out I’m already looking forward to the next graduate in action.

MATCH TWO: Shinokumo vs Chris DaMico

DaMico was wary of Shinokumo, their last battle not going so well, delivering kicks to the legs while using his speed advantage to keep his distance. Shinokumo eventually would grab DaMico’s leg and give him a dragon screw before mounting him and delivering right hands! This was stopped by the official, and DaMico would try to roll to the ring to recover but Shinokumo dragged him to the center of the ring for a knee drop to the back of the head. Shinokumo went to the ropes for an elbow... but DaMico rolled away, then got up and crossed the arms of Shinokumo as if going for a Delphin Clutch, only he would secure the arms with his legs, rolling onto his back holding onto Shinokumo’s arms while working the neck with his crossed legs working as a vice!

AM: He told me about this hold, he calls it the “Delphin Lock”

Shinokumo would get the ropes with his legs, so DaMico was forced to let go of the hold but quickly rolled Shinokumo with a small package for a two count. DaMico would wrench the arm for La Rosa Del Entiero but... MIST IN THE EYES! DaMico would let go of the setup, and Shinokumo would deliver a brainbuster before going to the top with a moonsault. One, two, NO! Shinokumo applied a claw hold, however DaMico stomped on Shinokumo’s foot, grabbing onto the claw arm than jumped up and wrapped his legs around Shinokumo, gravity forcing Shinokumo to the canvas!

XS: Six Seconds Magic-like armbar here!

DaMico’s submission attempt was again foiled by the ropes, and DaMico would this time follow up with the one-legged dropkick sending Shinokumo out of the ring and to the floor. DaMico would set up for a dive but put the brakes on when Shinokumo rolled into the ring. He would then set up for the Frosion, but Shinokumo took the backdoor, spun DaMico around, kicked him in the gut then hit the Blood Web Driver! One, two, NO! Shinokumo would argue the count with the ref, and this allowed DaMico to get the opportunity he needed, hopping on Shinokumo’s shoulders, spinning around and rolling into a Mysterio Rana! One, two, three!

AM: Out of NOWHERE with that suprise rollup move, and Shinokumo, a heavy favorite in this tournament, has been beaten by DaMico! So “The King of Roses” will face “The Dragon King” in two days!

XS: But now it’s time for the main event. Now, this match IS for the DPW championship, but if Chris Koger wins he will NOT walk away with the belt. That’s because this is match one of a best of three series. By the end of the weekend, either Koger or O’Brian will have two falls over the other, and the one that accomplishes that will be the DPW World Champion. O’Brian is set to make his debut in the UBL promotion, and rest assured he wants to bring that belt with him when he shows that DPW is indeed where the best wrestlers in the world square off.


O’Brian lunges forward to lock up but Koger backs away, hesitant to grapple with the champ. This repeats itself until Corey loses his patience and SHOOTS at Koger, taking him down and smoothly transitioning to a Jujigatame, making Koger grab the ropes. He tried to roll out of the ring but Corey pulled him into the middle, dropping a leg on the arm and sitting on it as he pulled it up wristfirst. Koger would crawl to the ropes and grab them again, and Corey would pull Koger to his feet for a backdrop! Floatover, one, two, kickout. Koger got to his feet and locked up with O’Brian, and stomps on the foot of the champ before elbowing him in the face and following with a knee lift and a fireman’s carry, ending up with a sleeper.

AM: Both men pulling out all the stops, the first fall is definately a critical one.

O’Brian manages to get to his feet and break the sleeper going to a hammerlock but Koger elbows O’Brian in the face and sets for a German but Corey wrapped his legs on the rope to block the throw, allowing him to elbow out as well, heading to the ropes, a Shotei was ducked, and Koger delivered a vertical suplex before heading to the top rope for an elbow drop... Koger hit it dead on! One, two, kickout. O’Brian got to a veritcal base with Koger, applying a Courting Hold and delivering an arm drag, applying an armbar to continue his gameplan. Koger would instead of going to the ropes bridge out and escape the hold on his own, suprising the champ with a lariat as they got to their feet. He set for the Koger Driver, but O’Brian landed behind him on his feet, spun Koger around to set him for the Core Meltdown but Koger back body dropped out of it, picking O’Brian up and using the Patriot Act (Tornado Bomb)! After a two count, O’Brian got a shoulder up and locked in a triangle choke! Koger would posture up and slam O’Brian into the canvas, breaking the hold as Koger went to the ropes to recover.

XS: This is brutal, folks.

O’Brian got to his feet before Koger did, and held out his open hand to signal for the Shotei, and NAILED Koger with it head on as he got up, going for the cover. One, two... Koger thumbed him in the eye and the referee was out of position! The referee thought Koger merely kicked out, and Koger took advantage, nailing a Koger Driver! He didn’t go for the cover, instead he went to the top rope. O’Brian slowly got to his feet, and Koger dove off, a 255-pounder scissoring Corey’s neck with his legs and flipping backwards with a rana! One, two, three! Fans would throw trash at Koger as he got to his feet, arms raised in the air, then made a belt motion to the dazed O’Brian as he left the ring.

AM: Well, he used a cheap shot to get the win, but truth be told, that diving rana was impressive for a big man like Koger.

XS: Yeah... got to wonder if O’Brian can find an answer to that, if not, we’ll have a new world champion before the end of the weekend.

AM: Well he’s got 24 hours to try to figure out how he can stop Koger’s momentum, and that’s just to even it up. DaMico and Togashi on the other hand get a day to rest and scout out their potential competition.

XS: Poor Jin Haisha will need all the rest in the world to recover from that absolute mauling at the hands of Monster Takeshi, he’ll be opening up tommorrow night’s show with special guest Sam S. McCloud of Team Moon Gas 200 Yen.

AM: You can’t spell wacky without Team Moon Gas 200 Yen... if you’re a bad speller that is. Well until tommorrow night this is Angus MacDudley and Xander Starr saying good night!