Thursday, September 4, 2008

Demolition Derby Night Three!


::Before the usual opening video package, we have a shot of the parking lot, where Chris Koger and Robert Gemini step out of a rental car.::

Koger: Alright, Rob, I need to make a few phone calls, take my bags to my dressing room.

::Robert shakes his head::

Robert: You know what, Chris? Carry your own damn bags. I’m sick of being your little apprentice.

Koger: ...What, because I didn’t go to ringside when you were facing Mike Blood? I was preparing.

Robert: Yeah, preparing to do something that could have ended O’Brian’s career. I thought I saw things your way, but after what you did... that’s just WRONG, Koger. I hope you get your ass kicked tonight.

::Gemini walks off camera, and Koger shakes his head::

Koger: Fine, I don’t need your dead weight anyways! You’ll regret this when I’m the champ and everyone will want me to be their mentor!

::After the video package, we go to Xander Starr in the middle of the ring, wearing beat up jeans and a Pokey the Penguin T-Shirt::

XS: “Ladies and gentlemen, WELCOME to Demolition Derby Night Three! It is a packed house here in our unofficial headquarters, the BankAtlantic Center in Fort Lauderdale, Florida. We have brought in special guests from the Florida indy scene for this show, as well as members of the Fighting League EXtreme promotion for a special three-way match, and tonight we will have the final match in our first-ever Demolition Derby tournament. We had sixteen of the greatest wrestlers in the world competing for the cup, and we are down to four: “The King of Roses” Chris Damico, “The Dragon King” Masashi Togashi, The Phenom REIKA, and Joe “Danger” Smith. And we will go down from those four to one champion. Also tonight we will have the world champ...

OR: “Actually...”

::OctoberRaven stepped out, with a mic in hand::

OR: “Chris Koger’s actions last night, blinding Corey O’Brian, has gone too far. I have tried to give Koger second chances to redeem his ways, and each time he ends up stooping to another low. Well I have had ENOUGH. As of this moment, Chris Koger is FIRED, and the title match is...”

::Corey O’Brian comes out, wearing sunglasses.::

CO: “Boss, I know your word is final, and if you’re going to sack Koger, well, that’s your decision. But I am asking you for this one favor. Let the match happen. For the title.”

OR: “Are you sure?”

CO: “When I won the DPW Championship, there was a lot of controversy, that I didn’t actually ‘earn’ the title. I want to prove tonight that it was no fluke, that I am truly worthy of representing this promotion. And more importantly... I want to EXECUTE Chris Koger tonight.”

OR: “...Well... Okay. If it were anyone else, I’d say no... but if you say you can wrestle, I’ll allow the match. BUT! I will be calling the match, and if Chris Koger so much as THINKS of using an illegal tactic, than not only will I ban him from DPW once and for all, but I will personally choke his sorry ass out! This is your ABSOLUTE LAST CHANCE, Koger. Don’t blow it.”

::October and Corey head to the back, and Xander clears his throat::

XS: Well, my broadcast partner, Angus MacDudley is preparing for our tag match later tonight... me, I’m good, so I’ll still be calling the action... so without further ado, let’s get this show started! Our first match tonight is “Most Failure” Jin Haisha, who has fallen to Monster Takeshi two nights ago and through the worst luck possible was defeated by none other than Jakob Furis last night, still wants to try and get his first W. Problem is the guy in his way is the British Powerhouse Reynold Anderson, reserve member of UBL’s Team Moon Gas 200 Yen and one mean SOB.


Haisha is barely even able to get into the ring, and Anderson takes no time at all to attack “Most Failure”, ramming him into the corner with a shoulder and delivered a series of elbows to the face before the referee got Anderson to break. Haisha went to Anderson and reared his fist back... and plopped into the canvas. Anderson would simply lift Haisha to a veritcal base and deliver a stalling vertical suplex, then hoisted him up then whipped him to the ropes, smashing him with a British Lariat! Cover, one, two, Haisha BARELY kicks out.

XS: I thought that was going to be it, but Haisha does have a lot of guts...

Anderson picked up Haisha and went to the ropes again, but Haisha collapsed to the mat before Anderson could even deck him. Anderson shrugged and hoisted Jin up, put his heads between the legs, and delivered a devastating piledriver

XS: That’s Anderson’s favorite move there, it is OVER!

Cover... one... two... KICKOUT RIGHT BEFORE THREE! The fans go NUTS for Haisha, and an enraged Anderson gets up and pounds him with a series of stomps, before hoisting him up and locking in a “Reynold’s Wrap” (Bearhug). Haisha flailed for a bit before going limp, and the referee began to check his arm for the knockout, fans clapping for support... and Haisha woke up, and managed to elbow Reynold breaking the hold! He then delivered a huge flurry of chops finally knocking the Brit down. He then went to the corner... STOMPING....

XS: Could this be...

Anderson gets to his feet only to get NAILED with a perfect superkick! Haisha fell on top of Anderson, one, two, THREE!

XS: HE DID IT! Jin Haisha picks up his first-ever victory... well he doesn’t look like a winner as he’s out cold now, he must have used the last of his strength to hit that kick. Anderson meanwhile has gotten up and is freaking the hell out... well while Haisha is being brought to the locker room to be revived, let me talk about the three men you are about to see for this special bout. Fighting League EXtreme is known for the craziest of the crazy in wrestling, and one of these three men will face FLEX’ Grand Champion of Intense Combat, Jin Yagami Jr, at the upcoming FLEX: Debbie Does A Night In A Cup show. You’ve got “The Lovely Flower of Japan” Geisha Man, suave super spy Secret Agent Mann, and the son of an evil CEO known as Courage Takeda. This match will be elimination rules with no countouts, last man in the ring will be the number one contender!

FLEXhibition: Geisha Man vs Secret Agent Mann vs Courage Takeda

As soon as the bell rings, Takeda shreiks as his two opponents step forward, and he ducks out of the ring and hides under the apron. Agent and Geisha shrug as they lock up, and the cameraman catches someone saying, “Is Juli Kreiger still around?”. Mann gets a headlock and is tossed to the ropes, coming back and sliding between Geisha Man’s legs and goes for a schoolboy, but Geisha Man counters with an armbar, forcing Mann’s hand to go a little below the Obi. The super spy got to the ropes, and Geisha Man would wink at Secret Agent Mann.

XS: I’m being accompanied by the voice of FLEX, Quentin Q Quentinstein!

3Q: Thanks, Xander. Geisha Man is a very... well, ‘unorthodox’ wrestler, Secret Agent Mann has defeated many villains fighting for Her Majesty’s Secret Service but never someone like this.

XS: Why is Courage Takeda under the ring?

3Q: Courage is in the business only due to pressure from his father, Takeda-sama. Courage is a total coward and Takeda usually has to force him back into the ring. Unfortunately he’s not here tonight and neither is their bodyguard, Akira Yamazaki.

Secret Agent Mann would throw Geisha Man into the ropes, delivering a drop toe hold and transitioning to the STF, but Geisha Man would slip out and apply a hammerlock, while griding his hips, and Mann would get to the ropes in record time. Agent would rush in for a diving lariat but would get a facefull of Geisha Man’s backside!

3Q: Obi Smash!

Geisha Man would grab the parasol he brought with him to the ring and go to the top rope, but Agent would recover and go after him, putting Geisha Man on his shoulders and delivering a running Liger Bomb! One, two, kickout. Secret Agent Mann would then put him in an Argentine Backbreaker position, throwing him off his shoulders and drops Geisha Man into a DDT!

XS: And I believe that’s “Live and Let Die”, the cover, one, two, kickout at two!

Geisha Man would then throw Agent into the corner, then turn around in front of Mann and deliver reverse hip thrusts to Secret Agent, following up with a cutter. He climbed to the top rope again and went for a corkscrew moonsault, but Secret Agent Mann got the knees up!

3Q: That was the “Memoirs of a Geisha” and that would have been the E-N-D.

Secret Agent Mann got to his feet at the same time as Geisha Man, and suddenly a blue gas spewed out of his lapel! Geisha Man would slump down to the canvas. Then Agent would go to the outside and grab a jetpack, rolling back in the ring, going to the top rope and delivering a “Moonrakersault”! One, two, three!

XS: And Geisha Man is eliminated! But where is Courage?

Courage’s head pops out of the apron, and he mouths “is it over” to the camera, not knowing that Agent is looking over the ropes right at him! He rolls out of the ring on the other side as Courage gets out to ringside, and Agent would sneak behind him and put him in a sleeper hold! Courage would pass out, and Agent would roll him in, deliver a Live and Let Die, and get the academic cover.

XS: Well that was an... interesting bout. Well, Secret Agent Mann will face Jin Yagami Jr for the FLEX Grandmaster title, and now it’s time for the semifinals of the Demolition Derby tournament! First is the battle of the kings, as “The King of Roses” Chris DaMico battles “The Dragon King” Masashi Togashi. Then a matchup nobody would have predicted, the young high-flying female phenom REIKA against Joe “Danger” Smith.


DaMico and Togashi locked up and Togashi would throw him into the corner, before rolling him back to the center of the ring with a hiptoss and applying an armbar. DaMico would put his leg over Togashi’s neck and push up with his other leg making Togashi break his grip at the same time giving him an opportunity to lock in a wakigatame and Togashi tried to get to the ropes but DaMico would stop him with an Onryo Clutch for a one count. Togashi would deliver a shoulder tackle and a chinlock, DaMico would slip out and the duo would face off.

3Q: Nice one so far.

DaMico would swat away a jumping knee attack, and would hit a backdrop floating over for a pin but Togashi would kick out at one. Togashi would get to his feet and deliver a backdrop of his own for a cover, one, two, bridging out is DaMico. Togashi would deliver a series of lariats and a brainbuster and went for a Beast Choker, but DaMico would manage to reach the ropes. DaMico would answer with a one-legged dropkick and put Togashi’s leg in a 4, sitting Togashi up before leaning over to pin down Togashi’s shoulders for a NOSAWA Clutch! One, two, kickout. DaMico would deliver a DaMico DDT but Togashi got right back to his feet and hit a big lariat and a Dragon Suplex. One, two, kickout! Togashi would signal for a Suicide Plex, but when he applied the overhook DaMico stomped Togashi’s foot, allowing him to escape and use one of Togashi’s arms as a setup for La Rosa Del Entiero! Togashi would be forced to submit.

XS: And Chris DaMico is one step closer to getting his first ever championship shot! Amazing upset!


REIKA would offer her hand to Smith, who answered with a hand.... in a fist right to the face. He would follow up with a series of punches and elbows to REIKA before throwing her over the top rope, landing on the apron. Smith would turn away raising his arms, and turn back to see REIKA coming at him with a springboard dropkick! REIKA then delivered a standing moonsault, hooking a leg, one, two, kickout. Smith would get to his feet and headbutt REIKA and grab her throat, but REIKA knows the chokeslam all too well and floats over with an arm drag, following up with a flip senton and a half crab. Smith powers out and makes her stumble into the corner, Smith now pounds on her into elbows to the back of the head, delivering a big backdrop, cover for a two count. REIKA would try to set for a Northern Lights Suplex, but Smith lowered his center of gravity and put her in position for a powerbomb! He then went into the corner... BLITZ! One, two... he pulled REIKA up, then threw her into the ropes... ANOTHER Blitz. One, two, three.

3Q: And Smith absolutely DESTROYED REIKA... which doesn’t bode well as DaMico really had to fight for his W. Xander Starr isn’t here, he’s backstage giving a last minuite strategy talk to Angus MacDudley... and here we go, our special tag team attraction!

SPECIAL TAG ATTRACTION: DPW Announce Team (Xander Starr and Angus MacDudley) vs –10*C and Zeke The Luchacat.

DPWAT come out to “Through the Fire and Flames” by Dragonforce as Xander and Angus (dressed in a plaid singlet) come out together. Then, “Cold as Ice” by Foreigner would play as a man looking like a cross between Glacier and Super Dragon would come out with a person in a giant cat costume with a white singlet following him.

3Q: Zeke The Luchacat and –10*C are actually usually rivals, Zeke is a disgruntled theme park mascot who loves to make kids cry. –10*C on the other hand, is known as the master of the drop toe hold.

Angus would go against –10*C first, who delivered a series of chops to the massive Scotsman, who shrugged them off and delivered a huge elbow, -10 backing up into a blind tag by Zeke, who delivered a series of overhand chops, again having no effect, but a thumb to the eye would stun him and Zeke would deliver a headbutt and a series of elbows to the face, bouncing off the ropes and hitting a lariat, making Angus stumble... and a second lariat knocks him down! Zeke would try to follow up with an elbow, Angus would roll away and lift Zeke up, tossing him with a pair of scoop slams then tags Xander in, who leapfrogs over, hits the ropes, does a cartwheel then a flipping senton! Xander would roll to his feet and dropkick –10*C, rolling backwards to his feet to mule dropkick Zeke, flipping forward to his feet, and posing for the crowd!

3Q: Amazing! Xander’s still got it, folks!

Zeke would hit a dropkick and a hiptoss of his own and tag –10*C who would measure up Xander... “WIZARD OF WINTER!” (Shining Wizard). Cover got a two count, and –10*C would follow up a suplex and back flip, delivering a running elbow to Angus which would have the big man try to get in... and Zeke would throw a chair at Xander while –10*C fell prone! Xander however would simply deck Zeke with the chair and toss it aside, and the referee would turn to see Xander Irish whipping –10*C into the ropes, before making a tag with Angus. Angus would grab –10*C by the throat and deliver a massive chokeslam as Xander got to the top, doing 2 ¼ front flips in the air before landing chest first on –10!

3Q: 810 Splash! You’ll never see anyone but the Human Superball pull that off!

Angus would then cover –10* as Xander would run to the outside and jump on the ropes to do a CORKSCREW shooting star to Zeke! One, two, three!

3Q: And a nice win by the DPW Announce team! Two great wrestlers temporarily coming back from retirement to commemorate this epic weekend! But this next tag match will be a lot less fun and games as Team Handsome Tokyo face off against the Satanic Legion.

DPW TAG TEAM TITLE MATCH: TEAM HANDSOME TOKYO (Jintaro Mazaki and Yoshiro Tenmaku) vs SATANIC LEGION (Raiku Daisatsu and Eric Gacy)(c)

Jintaro would start off against Gacy, delivering a series of kicks to the midsection and a sobat, quickly tagging in Yoshiro to double team the big man making him back into the corner, double irish whip... and Gacy shoulder tackles them both down. Gacy picks Tenmaku up and delivers a snake eyes fallowed by an enzuilariat before tagging to Daisatsu. Raiku delivers a knee drop to the sternum, and went for a headbutt before Jintaro tagged in. Jintaro would sidestep a headbutt and deliver a gamengiri and work the knee of Raiku before Gacy cut in and tried to forearm Jintaro who delivered a J-Cutter out of nowhere! Raiku was hoisted up and was put into a Regalplex for a two count. Jintaro tagged in Tenmaku to deliver a somersault senton for a cover.

XS: Wow, they’re actually taking it to the Legion...

After the kickout, Raiku immediately delivers a Death Valley Bomb to Tenmaku, who rolls out to the floor. While the referee is distracted as Raiku and Jintaro brawl, Eric Gacy pulls out a sickle from underneath the ring and carves open Tenmaku’s forehead!

AM: HOLY SHIT! That’s got to be illegal!

XS: But the referee is too busy pulling apart Raiku and Jintaro to notice, and now Gacy has Tenmaku set up... Black Spiral Dance! Looks like I spoke to soon!

Raiku then gained the upper hand, headbutting Jintaro and nailing a Satanic Offering. The referee would then begin a count, and Tenmaku would be unable to even sit up, and at 20 the bell was rang.

AM: Three nights, three teams, three massacres by the Legion. Can anyone stop these guys?


DaMico would start this match by doing his signature backflip in the corner, and backed up right into Smith who delivered a HUGE German drilling DaMico right on his head. Smith then applied a choke, breaking it at three before applying it again. After arguing with the referee he picked DaMico up and delivered a butterfly suplex and stomped on DaMico a couple of times before dropping a leg. Cover for two. DaMico would then take a belly to belly but would quickly roll Smith into a small package for a one count. Smith wouldn’t take kindly to this, hoisting DaMico by the tights and tossing him over the ropes straight to the floor. Unlike with REIKA he would go to the outside, smashing DaMico into the guardrail headfirst then into the ringpost. He rolled in and out of the ring, before grabbing DaMico and throwing him into the steps. Eventually he’d roll DaMico in and get another two count. He would set DaMico up for a Tombstone, but DaMico would escape and counter with a Emerald Frosion! DaMico would go to the top next and hit a big moonsault!

AM: Nicely done by DaMico! Only a two count.

DaMico would cross Smith’s arms over his chest, and use his leg to secure it as if he were going for a Delphin Clutch, only he rolled on his back and delivered a double arm lock to Smith!

XS: He calls that the Delphin Lock... and... uh-oh...

Smith however hoisted DaMico in the air and delivered a brutal powerbomb, forcing DaMico to let go, then Smith would roll DaMico on his back, cross his legs, and step over DaMico’s body keeping the legs in place as he applied a ground adominal stretch/crossface to DaMico

AM: He calls that the Facemask STF!

DaMico was able to crawl his way to the ropes, and Smith would hold on for a four count then deliver a series of stomps to DaMico while he was still down. Then Smith headed to the corner, sizing DaMico up...

XS: This is it...

BLI...NO! DaMico leapfrogged Smith, then before Smith realized what happened, DaMico turned around, jumped on Smith’s shoulders, spun around and delivered a Mysterio Rana! One, two, three!

AM: HOLY CRAP HE DID IT! He beat all the odds and came back from the brutal offense of Joe “Danger” Smith! This is easily the biggest win of Chris DaMico’s career!

“Kaori Stomp” by Machinae Supremacy played as OctoberRaven came out to award DaMico a trophy, but Smith would push DaMico aside and HURL the trophy onto the ramp.

OR: What the hell is your problem, Smith?

JDS: I was cheated! He held my tights!

OR: I was watching, he didn’t. He beat you fair and square. Now, I think you owe DaMico a trophy, so you’re getting a pay...

JDS: You want to dock my pay? How about this... I’ll bet my entire pay for the WEEKEND that I can kick YOUR ass.

OR: You know what? You’re on.

JDS: But... if I win... I get to do whatever I feel like in this company, with no repercussions.

OR: ...Deal.

XS: Did you hear that? OctoberRaven is going to fight for the first time in Demolition Pro!

AM: He intended to stay out of competition in this promotion as it would be a conflict of interest, but the gauntlet has been thrown down... and that match is sure to be brutal...

OR: ...AND! It’ll be a streetfight!

XS: ...Angus, you have SCARY intuition, dude.

AM: Well there will be no love lost between these two at The Punishment Due, and there is certainly going to be sparks firing at our main event... Koger pulled an underhanded move that could have ended O’Brian’s career by spraying mace in his eyes, but if Koger was thinking it would get in O’Brian’s head he was mistaken, because he awoke a sleeping giant.

XS: Anyone who knows O’Brian well knows that while he is usually a sportsman, when he gets pushed too far he can be a dangerous and vindictive foe. Let’s see what will happen.


As soon as the bell rang, Corey tackled Koger, delivering a series of elbows to the face, getting up and PUNTING Koger in the ribs too until Koger went to the floor. Corey followed suit, then tosses Koger over the barricade. The two of them slugged it out in the crowd, and Koger would throw Corey into a row of chairs. Koger went back into the ring and back out and to the barricade, but Corey recovered, delivering a STIFF throat chop then a DDT onto the chairs. Corey then whipped Koger into the barricade then charged and SHOTEI’D him over it. Corey did a rollin/rollout, kicking over the steel steps then CURBSTOMPING Koger onto a step!

AM: OUCH! Corey is PISSED. Even his family is shocked at the brutality Corey is unleashing.

Corey rolled Koger into the ring and followed suit, locking in a Kimura but Koger would escape. Corey would lift Koger and elbow him in the corner but Koger blocked one to fire back with shots of his own.. Corey was thrown into the ropes and Koger delivered a HUGE lariat and went for a pin... one... two... let Corey up then delivered punches to the nose, then delivered a stalling suplex before going to the top rope and hitting a flying elbow for a nearfall.

XS: Now the use of the stairs and chairs is actually legal, as Corey didn’t pick them up, only did moves on them.

AM: Right, and Koger is talking to OR, who I think is explaining that...

Koger then nods and mouths, “Okay, if that’s how it is...” lifting O’Brian to his feet near the ropes, hoisting him with a military press and tossing him over the ropes through the announce table! Koger then turns to OR and says “IF HE CAN DO IT SO CAN I! COUNT!”

XS: Corey looks out of it...

AM: This may be it... OR is on 8 now.... wait Corey’s back up...

Corey then rips off his T-shirt, revealing a tattoo of a raven on his back, with the word “Morrigan” underneath it.

AM: Who’s Morrigan?

XS: The Celtic Goddess of Death and War... Corey’s bloodline can be traced back to Celtic warriors, who would reveal tattoos during battle to gain strength and the blessings of the gods...

Corey marches back into the ring and kicks Koger HARD in the sternum, delivering a Fisherman’s Buster and rolling to a pin, one, two, kickout. Koger would answer with a belly to belly, one, two, kickout. The two would trade chops, and Corey would finally hit a HUGE Shotei, then deliver a Core Meltdown!




Corey is SHOCKED at this, and Koger would recover, punching Corey in the breadbasket, lifting him up in a drop suplex before delivering a headfirst drop with a Koger Driver!

XS: One...

AM: Two...


Koger would deliver a “Patriot Act”, and Corey would counter with a Triangle Choke, Koger would back to the ropes and put a foot over it, then as Corey loosened up, Koger lifted Corey up and deliver a powerbomb. He then got on the second rope.

AM: This is the “Rocket’s Red Glare” position... if he hits this is it’s over...

Koger would jump up and lock his legs around Corey’s neck... but Corey stopped the rana, dropping to his knees for an impromptu Core Meltdown! But instead of a cover, he lifted Koger up onto his shoulder, dropping Koger right on his neck with all his weight behind it!

XS: DIAMOND HEAD! The most brutal move in Corey’s arsenal!

The boss counts: ONE...TWO...THREE! The arena EXPLODES in cheers as Corey’s family and girlfriend jump the barricade to celebrate with the champ!

AM: What a match, and what a way to end this weekend.

XS: And the entire locker room, even Robert Gemini, and everyone who was here tonight is coming out to congratulate Corey on a hard-fought win...

But the celebration ends when Koger gets up, grabbing the belt from OR, as the crowd chants “Ah na na na....” Koger stares at O’Brian... and hands over the belt, then raises Corey’s hand, to the SHOCK of everyone, including the boss. Koger then walked out of the ring, heading up the ramp, and Corey would confer with the boss. OR would mouth to the rest of the roster, who looked at each other, then all raised their hands.

OR: Cut the music. Koger...

Koger stops, not turning around.

OR: Tonight you showed everyone here that, despite your underhanded tactics, you do belong here in DPW. And we all agree that... while you’re going to be a bit of a black sheep for a while... you’re welcome to remain in the DPW family.

Koger turns around, and gets handed a mic.

Koger: If you mean I’m welcome to wrestle here again... then fine. But I am NOT part of your “family”. I am NOT friends with any of you, especially that JUDAS Robert Gemini. O’Brian... you got the best of me... but next time... next time will be different. Because I am what America is all about... and that’s getting what I want no matter what, and to hell with anyone who doesn’t like it! So I’ll be back alright... but you can all kiss my American ass!

OR: Feeling’s mutual, Koger... but you’ll have to work your way back up again. And your first opponent getting back up that ladder is... Yoshiro Tenmaku... I think he’s got a score to settle with you, doesn’t he. Until then, Koger... see you at the next show. And the same goes to everyone here at the BankAntlantic Center as well as our InDemand and Samurai TV audience, and thank you to everyone who helped make this show the best in our company’s history! Good night!

The show ended with a montage of the Demolition Derby weekend.