Wednesday, October 15, 2008

DPW The Punishment Due Results

Live at the BankAntlantic Center.

XS: Welcome to the latest installment of Demolition Pro Wrestling. I’m Xander Starr and with me as always is Angus MacDudley. Tonight, we got what might be a match of the year canidate, Chris DaMico challenges Corey O’Brian.

AM: But first off is the first-ever televised match for the Demolition Pro Wrestling Joshi Championship. DPW-J has been operating for a while, and has had a lot of talent from across the world such as our own REIKA, Crazy Red, The Kazama Sisters, and Liz. But nobody has been more dominant than their current champion, Catrine Metzger, who is undefeated in DPW-J.

XS: She defeated REIKA for the title, and has silenced all challengers... she’s even defeated me in an exhibition match one. She is a powerhouse who nobody seems to be able stop.

AM: She has beaten REIKA, “Cowgirl” Jane Porter, and has even been the first ever to kick out of Bloody Mary’s “Go 2 Hell”. Tonight she faces GOLD*STAR, whose “Golden Sword” chop has knocked out some of the toughest competition in DPW-J.... wait a second...

DPW owner October Raven comes down the ramp with a mic and into the ring.

OR: I have some bad news... GOLD*STAR was supposed to come here from a show in Philidelphia, but her flight had to make an emergency stop, and now she’s stranded in South Carolina until conditions there improve... so this match will have to be an intergender match...

Someone charges down to the barricade, and a cameraman points it out to the boss. The cameras shift to the young woman, who is dressed in clothes that look like they haven’t been cleaned in years, and at least a size too big for her.

OR: What the... wait, you’re Gutter from OG-Joshi... give her a mic...

One of the crew guys hands Gutter a mic

Gutter: I might not be in this DPW-J bull(rhymes with “spit”), but if you need someone to fight this (“stitch”)... I’ll do it.

OR: You do realize she can bench press 200 pounds and has never been beaten right?

Gutter: -shrugs- “Big chick, real strong? Sounds like my cellmate in Juvi. I can take her.”

OR: Okay... how about this... ::addressing the fans:: who wants to see Gutter fight Metzger for the title?

Crowd applauds

OR: Alright, then! Bring her out!

“Rammstein” by Rammstein plays as the 6’ 210 pound Catrine Metzger comes down the ramp.

AM: What do you know about this Gutter, Xander?

XS: Gutter is a bit of an enigma. Her past is riddled with questions, we do know she wrestled in the indies in New Jersey, has a win over our own Crazy Red there, and recently debuted in OG-Joshi in one of the most violent matches in Amplitude history. She's also a key part of the Women's Division of World Class Cagefighting.


Gutter starts off laying punches into Metzger, however these seem to have little effect and Metzger shoves Gutter down. Gutter gets back up and gets decked with a shoulder tackle, then scooped and slammed into the canvas for a one count. Gutter throws a couple more punches (getting a warning from the referee, then gets a fireman’s carry and goes for a knee drop, but Catrine gets out of the way. Catrine then delivers a belly to belly suplex and a shortarm lariat before going for a ligerbomb.

AM: Catrine is known for her Ligerbombs...

Catrine gets Gutter on her shoulders, but Gutter punches Catrine in the forehead until the champion falls over. The referee warns Gutter again, who does a crotch chop in the refs direction before delivering a headbutt to the abdomen of Metzger.

XS: Gutter showing no regard to the referee’s authority, she might end up getting DQed here.

Metzger takes advantage of Gutter’s distraction, delivering a BRUTAL lariat to the back of her head before picking her up and delivering a ring-shaking Ligerbomb. One, two, kickout. Catrine picked up her challenger and delivered a vertical suplex, then put her in position for another Ligerbomb... this one a RUNNING variant, and the ref almost lost his balance from the impact. Cover, two, Gutter got her shoulders up.

AM: The fans showing their support for the gutsy challenger here.

Metzger starts THROTTLING Gutter, who tried in vain to break the massive woman’s grasp. The referee forces Metzger to let go, and she then did a throat slicing motion, putting Gutter in vertical suplex position, roaring “PANZER BUSTER!”

XS: It’s over, Angus.

She goes to heft Gutter up... but Gutter gets a handful of tights and rolls Metzger into an inside cradle! One, two, ALMOST a new champion! The incensed Metzger RAGES on Gutter, delivering a brutal series of kesa-giri chops before nearly taking Gutter’s head off with a VICIOUS Uraken. Metzger then did another throat slit, but Gutter picked herself up, her face bloodied by the backhand.


Metzger would charge for a lariat, but Gutter caught her with a drop toe hold! Gutter would size up the German she-beast and go to the ropes as Metzger gets up, going for her signature “Gutter Cleaner” running DDT, but Metzger catches her and delivers a belly to belly which sends Gutter OVER THE ROPES and to the floor!

AM: ...Um... EMTs, could you scrape Gutter’s carcass off the floor please?

The referee made the count, and at 15 Gutter would stand up, spit out some blood, and roll back into the ring. Metzger would DECK her with another lariat, picking her up for a powerslam, but Gutter would slip out the backdoor and hit a backdrop! Gutter seemed charged up now, and climbed the top rope, leaping off with a Mad Splash. One, Two, THREE! Metzger’s arm shoots up just after the count, too late. EVERYONE is shocked, except Gutter, who immediately snatches her newly won title from the timekeeper and makes her way to the back, holding her neck on the way, stopping to flip off a fan who tried to slap hands with her.

XS: I don’t believe it! Catrine Metzger has been felled by the rookie Gutter, who has no formal training.

AM: But she did show that her lifetime of surviving in the streets of New Jersey gave her a tenacity that can endure all sorts of punishment. She doesn’t look, act, or SMELL like a champion, but regardless, the new DPW-J Champion is Gutter!

XS: Well next up...

Before Xander could segue to the next match, the sound to his microphone cut out, as did the lights.

Voice: Halloween... has come early this year. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

Lights go back on

Xander: We are live? Okay! Sorry for... whatever just happened... our next bout is “Most Failure” Jin Haisha, fresh off a win, against former tag team champion and half of EUROSTAR, Tony Pescarelli.

Match Two: Jin Haisha vs Tony Pescarelli

Haisha locks up with Tony Pescarelli, who takes him over with a headlock takeover, working him over until Haisha rolls him to his shoulders. Both men pop up, and Tony delivers a knee attack and snapmare takeover, trying right away for his “Naples Clutch”, but Haisha rolls free and gets a quick rollup! One, two, kickout at two. Tony forearmed Haisha and delivered a fireman’s carry into a chinlock, Haisha would get to the ropes, but Tony would drag him to the center of the ring and apply an armlock now. Haisha would kick Tony in the head, and spring up to his feet.... SUPERKICK OUT OF NOWHERE! The cover, one, two, three!

XS: HOLY SHAZBOT! Jin Haisha knocking Pescarelli’s head off and pinning him in record time!

AM: I would have never seen that coming... the time is only five minuites, Haisha out of nowhere with that win...

XS: Well this one might end up quickly as well... Monster Takeshi is going to face Socks O’Brian.

Match Three: Monster Takeshi vs Socks O’Brian

Takeshi would shove Socks down several times, the plucky babyface recovering every time, forearming the Monster, who would just scoop and slam him. He followed with an elbow but Socks rolled away. Socks would deliver a knee drop and cover, one, kickout. Takeshi would headbutt Socks and put him in a bearhug, but Socks would put his arms underneath Takeshi’s ironlike grip, using them as fulcrums to free himself, delivering a dropkick to the sternum and a knee clip! He would then set up for the Back Drop, but Monster was just too big, elbowing Socks and hitting him with a Knockout Lariat. One, two, kickout. Takeshi would stomp the champ’s cousin’s head a few times, then hoist him up... Falcon Arrow Driver! One, two, kickout at two. Takeshi would go for another Knockout Lariat, but Socks would manage to trip him up with a drop toe hold, then go off the ropes, leaping feet first on Monster’s back for the Sock Hop! The cover, two, Takeshi THREW Socks off. Takeshi would then boot Socks in the gut and set for the Tokyo Tower Bomb, but Socks would take a page from his cousin and lower his center of gravity to block it, tripping up Takeshi and rolling him up for a nearfall. Takeshi would be incensed and take a swing... miss... SOCK BOTTOM! He would go to the top rope, and out of nowhere, Joe “Danger” Smith rushed through the crowd! Socks would jump off the turnbuckle as the ref was too distracted, and Smith would eventually be turned away... and Socks would get hammered with an Uraken and a Tokyo Tower Bomb. One, two, three. Smith would clap for Takeshi, who would just look at him confused.

XS: What the hell just happened there...

AM: I don’t know, but Smith just cost Socks a chance at the Super Sock Hop...

XS: Well coming up next folks, DPW Dojo graduate Steve Evans vs REIKA. Two young athletes looking to climb up the ladder, had great showings at the Demolition Derby too, with REIKA making it all the way to the semifinals.

Match Four: Steve Evans vs REIKA

Evans would feint tying up with REIKA a few times, saying “Hold on, I’m not ready!” each time. REIKA got impatient, and Evans would say “HEY! My shoe’s untied!”. REIKA would look down and Evans would quickly deliver a snap suplex, floating over to a quick one count. REIKA would not stand for that semi-cheap shot, getting a couple snapmares and a dropkick to the back of the head, bouncing off the ropes and hit a flying back elbow to the rookie. REIKA went for a flipping senton, but Evans rolled away, yelling “YOU JUST GOT STEVEROLLD!” getting a Courting Hold, kneeing her in the stomach and using it to set up for a modified Triangle Lancer, REIKA getting a foot on the ropes. REIKA would go for a crossbody, one, two, kickout. Evans would deliver a roaring elbow, then get a mic from his tights. “BEST DDT EVER COMING UP!”He would hoist REIKA up and put her in the DDT position, but she blocked it and delivered her signature Northern Lights Suplex Hold! One, two, Evans gets a shoulder up. REIKA would go for a hurricanranna to follow up but again only got two, then Evans suddenly moved to the ref. “HEY! She’s got a weapon in her shoe!”

XS: What?!

AM: I don’t believe REIKA would stoop to such a low...

The referee would check her shoes, REIKA looking down at him wondering what was going on, and looked up a second too late... Evans used the referee’s back as a springboard and hit a “That Japanese Move” on REIKA! A “Perfect Hair Forever” (Spinning Brainbuster) and this match would be over.

XS: Well, technically speaking, he didn’t cheat, unless using the ref to hit a Wizard is illegal in DPW

AM: I don’t think it is. But things are going to heat up. This was supposed to be Yoshiro Tenmaku getting revenge on Chris Koger, but Koger’s neck got injured by O’Brian’s Diamond Head, so instead Genocide, who is coming down to the ring with his Red Death partner Shinokumo.... WHAT THE...

Match Five: Yoshiro Tenmaku vs Genocide

As Genocide was climbing up the apron, Shinokumo yanked him down, and RIPPED HIS MASK OFF! Genocide covered up, and Shinokumo would kick his partner in the sternum... BLOOD WEB DRIVER! He tossed Genocide’s mask into the crowd and walked off, and the referee would have no choice but to throw this one out.

XS: This has certainly been one of the most bizarre DPW events ever... that freakish message at the beginning of the show, Smith helping out Monster Takeshi... and Shinokumo stabbing his partner in the back for seemingly NO REASON whatsoever...

AM: Well this match is an interesting one, the Satanic Legion battle Tokudo and Togashi. Tokudo has a knee problem but, despite doctor’s orders, has decided to go ahead with this bout. Let’s see how it goes.

Match Six, Tag Team Title Match: Masashi Togashi and Hotaka Tokudo vs Satanic Legion (c)

Togashi would start out against Gacy, who would IMMEDIATELY get decked by Togashi via a lariat and a big elbow to Daisatsu. Togashi would try to deck Gacy again, who was this time ready for it and delivered a back body drop. Gacy would let Togashi tag out, and Tokudo would deliver a shoulder tackle to Gacy, then a second, and a third knocked the “Dark Killer” over, Tokudo following up with a big elbow. Gacy would tag out and Daisatsu would rear back for a headbutt... but insted kick Tokudo in the injured knee. Daisatsu would follow up by stomping on the injured leg, turning Tokudo face down, grabbing his ankle and using it to slam Tokudo’s knee into the mat over and over. Daisatsu would even rip off the leg of Tokudo’s tights over the knee, where it was shown that Hotaka had a brace underneath. He reached for Togashi who would charge in, but the referee stopped him. Gacy and Daisatsu worked together to remove the knee brace, Gacy getting back in the ring so Daisatsu could deliver a shinbreaker. He tagged Gacy, who got off the apron, grabbed Tokudo’s leg, and rammed it against the steel! Togashi again went into the ring, but the referee stopped him, and Daisatsu got a lead pipe from his boot and smashed it over Tokudo’s leg so hard IT DENTED. Daisatsu tossed the pipe away and lifted Tokudo up for a Death Valley Bomb, but Tokudo escaped, and tag.... but the referee was telling Daisatsu to leave the ring and didn’t see the tag! While telling of Togashi, the ref didn’t see Gacy grab his sickle and use it to carve the Battle Lord open. Gacy lost the weapon, and would set up for a Black Spiral Dance, but Tokudo backdropped out of it, and dove to Togashi... TAG! Togashi would enter the ring, as would Daisatsu illegally, decking them with double lariats, giving Daisatsu a Dragon Suplex before setting Gacy up... SUICIDE PLEX! One, two, kickout by Gacy. Togashi would try for a Figure Four but Gacy would shove him off, and Daisatsu distracted the referee.... Gacy grabbing the knee brace and tossing it to Togashi, who got it BOOTED into his face with the “Spike Through Your Head”! A Black Spiral Dance and it was over. Meanwhile EMTs would attend to the downed Tokudo.

AM: Oh man.... this does not look good folks... I mean, Tokudo was absolutely MAULED by the Legion, and they did a number on his knee... how is anyone going to stop these sick monsters?

XS: I don’t know... our next bout, Joe “Danger” Smith puts his Demolition Derby paycheck on the line against October Raven, the boss, who will let Smith do whatever he wants in the company if he wins. Not only that, this match is ANYTHING GOES.

Match Seven, No Holds Barred: Joe “Danger” Smith vs October Raven

Soon after the bell rang, “This is Halloween” by Marilyn Manson played, causing the boss to turn around... and Smith would rush him from behind, delivering forearms to the back of the head, going for a German, but the boss would go behind... KATAHAJ... no, Smith would deliver a low blow, turn around and punch Raven in the face. But as those who have seen the man known as the “Death Metal Warrior” go to work before, that head is used as a weapon on a regular basis. He grabbed Smith by the EARS and deliver a series of brutal headbutts, making Smith bleed from the forehead. Smith would fire back with a forearm to the face, rolling out of the ring and getting a sledgehammer and a table. Back in the ring, OctRave would knee Smith in the gut and deliver a series of elbows followed by a DDT. One, two, kickout. Smith would hit a shoulderblock and mount the boss, hitting him with a flurry of punches before OR turned it over and delivered mounted HEADBUTTS, Smith grabbing that sledgehammer and smashing the head of it into the temples of OR. Smith would pick him up and deliver a powerbomb: one, two, kickout. He would go for another, but the boss would try to lift him up for the Final Massacre! Smith managed to get back to his feet, heading away to the ropes, and gets a Flying Headscissors! Smith cover: One, two, no. October Raven would get back to his feet... and out of nowhere latch on... DIAMOND NOVA! One, two, kickout! October Raven would put the hooks in for a Katahajime...

Voice of Marilyn Manson: “Boys and Girls of Every Age... Wouldn’t You Like To See Something Strange? Come with us and you will see, this our town of Halloween... THIS IS HALLOWEEN! THIS IS HALLOWEEN!”

OR would not be distracted this time, locking in the choke, causing Smith to submit... but the ref, however, was distracted as a tall, scarecrow-like man in ragged black leather would CRAWL ON ALL FOURS down the ramp. OR was completely oblivious until the mystery man entered the ring, hammering him on the back to break the choke. The music would stop and the bizzarre man would whip the boss into the ropes, hitting a HUGE side slam! He then wrapped the boss’ arms over his own neck, turning the boss onto his stomach for a camel-clutch like choke! OR tried his best to fight out of it, but eventually passed out in the hold. The creepy man would set the table up in the corner, and pull a cord out of the pocket of his pants, putting the boss up against it and trying him to the table so he couldn’t move. The bizzarre man would crawl out of the ring, and Smith would come to, delivering a VICIOUS Blitz through the table, pinning the boss. One, two, three.


AM: I don’t know, but whoever he was just unleashed a Pandora’s Box...

XS: Smith now posing on the chest of the unconsious boss of DPW, and how he can do whatever he wants in the promotion... dark days are ahead...

AM: Well, we still got what looks to be a CLASSIC. Chris DaMico, a master on the mat and a rising star of DPW, faces the veteran champion Corey O’Brian. This has all the makings of a mat classic, folks.

Main Event, DPW Title Match: Chris DaMico vs Corey O’Brian(c)

O’Brian and DaMico would shake hands before locking up, Corey pushing him towards the corner but DaMico using this for an armdrag tranistioned into a keylock, Corey using his feet to roll out of the hold and transition to a headlock. DaMico got to his feet and shot O’Brian off, getting a drop toe hold and following up with a Muta Lock attempt, but O’Brian put his arm around DaMico’s neck for a modified version of his “The 42” submission hold (fish stretch sleeper). DaMico got to the ropes and we have a break. Lock up again, O’Brian gets a hammerlock, DaMico bending over and using the legs to trip him up (see? That’s not just a plot device in adultery angles!), going for a Figure Four but Corey got him in a small package... DaMico rolling it so Corey’s shoulders were down... two count. Both of them slapped hands in respect. Corey would now shoot forward for a double leg, DaMico managing to grab Corey’s arms and wrap his legs around them applying pressure with his laces to Corey’s neck with the “Twelve Seconds Magic” armlock, but Corey broke DaMico’s grip and jackknifed over DaMico who put his legs over Corey’s shoulders to roll him up, Corey rolling out of it... standoff again. DaMico would get a go-behind and get on Corey’s shoulders, following with a Mysterio Rana attempt but Corey blocked it, grabbing DaMico’s legs and twisting them up putting his leg in between DaMico’s for an impromptu Sharpshooter, but DaMico escaped, put Corey’s legs into a four, and rolled him up in a NOSAWA Clutch for a two count.

Now we went from chain wrestling to a chop battle! The two of them traded chops, Corey eventually mixing up with elbows while DaMico used Sobats, Corey getting the upper hand with a MASSIVE Shotei for a two count. Corey would use a snap suplex, floating over not for a pin but a Kimura! DaMico got to the ropes, and recovered while Corey was still on all fours, using a Magistral position! One, two, kickout by O’Brian. DaMico would set up for a Frosion attempt but Corey found the backdoor, putting DaMico in position for a Core Meltdown, but DaMico would escape, use a Dragon Screw, and go for an attempt at a Delphin Clutch! This only got a two count, Corey would go for a Butterfly lock but DaMico got to the ropes.

Corey would shake hands with DaMico a third time, but this time, DaMico elbowed Corey in the face without letting go! He quickly went behind Corey, holding on to that wrist... LA ROSA DEL ENTIERO (Mexican Stretch) !

AM: HOLY SHIT! IT COULD BE ALL OVER! Corey O’Brian has only submitted ONCE in his entire career, to Jason Brody, but he has nowhere to go, they are dead center in the ring!

XS: Corey’s now been in that hold a full minuite, and he’s either got to stay in it for another thirty, find a way out, somehow get to the ropes, or tap...

AM: Corey’s trying to pry an arm free...

And for the second time tonight, the lights went out.


AM: Well no music or voices are being heard...

XS: Someone turn on the backup power! We probably lost the lights... Are we even live?

AM: Yeah, our mics are working...

The lights go on, and DaMico and O’Brian are laid out in the ring, both bloody messes. Standing over them are the Satanic Legion, Shinokumo, and the mysterious scarecrow-like man. The referee is also unconsious. A second official steps through the curtains, waving his arms as the bell rings.

RA: Ladies and gentlemen, this match is a DRAW due to interference. Corey O’Brian is still the DPW World’s Champion.

XS: We have been ROBBED of a classic! Some can argue that DaMico was robbed of a golden oppurtunity as well...

”When Skin Turns Blue” by Six Feet Under hits, and the boss comes out, escorted by a LEGION of security.


The rent-a-cops make their move, then Daisatsu points to the big screen... and “God Send Death” by Slayer hits... the theme of Joe “Danger” Smith, who appeared on the screen.

JDS: I don’t think so. Those men are under MY contract now. Allow me to introduce to you, Eric Gacy, Raiku Daisatsu, Shinokumo... and “Halloween” Edward Jones. These four men will help me in my campaign to claim what should be mine, the DPW World Championship. These four men will make sure I am untouchable in this promotion. We are Your Worst Nightmare, and we control DPW now.

OR: If you think I’m going to give you a shot at the DPW Title, you’re fucking crazy.

JDS: Oh? Well if you don’t mind seeing what happened to Genocide, or O’Brian, or DaMico, or Tokudo happen to your entire roster... you’ll change your mind.

OR: ...Okay. Okay. You get this ONE shot. Just the one. If you lose, you have to work your way up the ladder like everyone else.

JDS: Deal.

OR: Oh and it’s a lumberjack match. Personwhoagreessayswhat.


OR: Okay you agree! Excellent! As for DaMico... I’m giving him a shot at the contendership, because unfortunately thanks to a certain jackass who’s on my screen... cut the feed by the way...

The screen turns off

OR: Thanks. Anyways, DaMico can’t be given another title shot. It wouldn’t be fair to the real #2 contender... Monster Takeshi. So to see who gets dibs... DaMico will face Takeshi at the next event. Oh... and Shinokumo... you get to face Genocide in a submission match. Satanic Legion, YOU assholes, you get to face Togashi AND a partner of his choosing in a rematch. As for you... Edward Jones is it? You... hm... you get... The Razorback, Mike Blood! Now, I can’t fire you cunts, but in five minuites, the show is over, and you fucks will be arrested for loitering if you’re still in the building. GET OUT.

AM: Well there you have it folks... the group calling themselves DPW’s worst nightmare has emerged...

XS: And one has to wonder... will Chris Koger, who will be returning at the next show, take their side?

AM: We’ll just have to find out.