Tuesday, January 6, 2009


Live at the Sold Out BankAntlantic Center

AM: Angus MacDudley here to welcome you to our send-off to a great 2008. My commentary partner Xander Starr is not with me tonight, he is in the DPW Tag Team Title Match against the unstoppable Satanic Legion. Also tonight, a rematch between Chris DaMico and Corey O’Brian, and a cage match to decide the fate of DPW. But first! Two back-to-back DPW-J Title matches, first off Team Chuu Chuu defends their titles for the first time against April Ryan and Krystal Baker, two very well-rounded technicians.

DPW-J Tag Team Title Match: April Ryan and Krystal Baker vs Team Chuu Chuu(c)

Ryan and Yaoi started off, locking up and Ryan getting a single leg and trying a leglock but Yaoi rolled through to escape it and delivered a senton followed by a scoop slam. Tag to Yuri who leaped over the top rope and hit a standing moonsault for a two count. Yuri follows this up with an armdrag but Ryan stops a second one with an elbow before tagging out. Krystal puts Yuri in a headlock and takes her to the challenger side of the ring, getting a suplex and following up with a chinlock. Yuri uses her legs and flexibility to kick Krystal in the forehead, kipping up and delivering a senton. Krystal managed to stop her from making a tag, tagging out to April and delivering a double DDT and a leglock by Ryan.

Yaoi broke the submission attempt and Ryan would deliver a knee drop to Yuri’s leg, trying to stop her from getting the tag. She threw Yuri to her corner but got reversed and Yuri followed it up with a Rewind Rana for a two count broken by Baker. Ryan delivered a backdrop and went to the ropes for a big knee drop but Yuri rolled away then went up top for a “Chuu Chuu Rocket” but Baker grabbed her leg long enough for April to grab her leg for a top rope dragon screw. Tag to Baker who sets up for the “Krystal Cutter” but Yuri counters...”CHUU CHUU SLAM EX” (Rock Bottom) desperation tag to Yaoi who immediately set up for the “Chuu Chuu Clutch” (Gannosuke Clutch) but Baker got a side suplex and a flying elbow drop. She would throw Yaoi in the corner and charge in for a lariat, but Yaoi rolled away, hit an axe kick, then a Delphin Clutch! One, two, three!

AM: WOAH! Out of nowhere with that Delphin Clutch, and the tag team champions of DPW-J retain their belts! Next up lads and lasses is the DPW-J World Title Match. Gutter has already become a huge name in a short time, winning both the DPW-J title AND the WCCF Women’s Title. She faces off against Bloody Mary, one of DPW-J’s most feared competitors. And it’s not just her fighting skill, it’s her presence. Her clothes are covered in blood, she comes out to a cover of “Raining Blood” performed by a death metal band called Vader, and she just inspires FEAR in people. On the other hand, Gutter’s not one who is easily intimidated. Let’s see how this one turns out.

DPW-J Title Match: Bloody Mary vs Gutter(c)

Gutter and Bloody Mary exchanged punches at first, Gutter delivering a headbutt and following up with a scoop slam and a headbutt to the midsection. Mary got to her feet and hit some elbows and threw Gutter to the ropes and hitting a lariat and following up with a headlock. Gutter freed herself and hit a quick 1-2 before getting a fireman’s carry and a one count cover. Mary reversed an Irish Whip and delivered a backbreaker and an elbow drop, then threw Gutter over the top rope!

Mary followed Gutter to the floor and hit a suplex on the outside before pulling off the padding. She went for a piledriver but Gutter countered with a single leg and pounded away. At 15 Gutter got back into the ring and Mary followed shortly after. Gutter would hit a dropkick and knock Mary to the ropes, going to follow up with a lariat but Mary ducked and tossed Gutter over the ropes and onto the unpadded floor!

Gutter managed to struggle to her feet and back in the ring, and Bloody Mary would head to the top rope... “Stairway to Hell” (Flying Double Stomp)! A two count followed and Bloody Mary would pick Gutter up, who delivered several strikes and a roundhouse kick, flipping off Bloody Mary, and UNLOADING with right hands! Mary hit the floor and Gutter went to the top rope for the Mad Splash... but Mary got the knees up! She picked up Gutter to set up for the “Go 2 Hell” but Gutter countered... desperation Gutter Cleaner! The cover... one... two... NO!

Gutter would go for a lariat, but Mary ducked and Gutter decked the ref by accident! She was put in a Mary rollup, but it seemed that Mary was reaching into Gutter’s back pocket! Gutter, incensed, tried for a backdrop but Mary flicked open the switchblade she grabbed from Gutter’s pocket, pulled up her headband, and CUT HER FOREHEAD OPEN! Gutter took the blade back but the referee woke up and made her give it to him. After explaining she’d lose her title if she didn’t Gutter reluctantly handed over the weapon, and turned around... and Mary locked in a standing Anaconda Vice!

AM: She calls this “Die For Me”...

The blood loss made the choke even worse, and Gutter started fading, and the referee would eventually call for the bell! Bloody Mary released Gutter and let her plop to the canvas as she took the belt!

AM: One could argue that Bloody Mary robbed Gutter by using that switchblade, but that chokehold has spelt the doom of many a wrestler. If I could play Devil’s Advocate though, Gutter shouldn’t have had that knife with her in the first place. No matter how you look at it, though, we have a new DPW-J champion. Coming up next is “Epic Win” Jin Haisha against “The Anarchist” Kevin Williams

Jin Haisha vs Kevin Williams

They locked up in the center of the ring, Williams got a snapmare and a headlock, Haisha slipping out of the lock and hitting a dropkick to Williams and applying a keylock. Williams got to the ropes and got back to a vertical base, hitting a pair of elbows and slamming Haisha down for a knee drop. Williams would go to the ropes for a flip senton but Haisha rolled away and hit an elbow drop to the chest of Kevin Williams. Haisha would pull Kevin up and hit a DDT before following up with a single leg crab, Kevin getting to the ropes.

Kevin would get a fireman’s carry and deliver a legdrop to follow up, going for the top rope. Haisha got to his feet and Kevin nailed a big dropkick! He then headed to the ropes to hit an “Anarchy Stomp” for a two count. Kevin would go for the Irish Whip and “Anarchy Round The World” (Delphin Backbreaker), but Haisha slipped out, and hit him with a pumphandle into a powerbomb! One, two, three!

AM: What a move by Jin Haisha and he manages a big upset over one-half of Anarchy in the UK! Coming up next though, the energetic female phenom REIKA goes one on one against former tag team champion Amazing Jean-Paul

REIKA vs Amazing Jean-Paul

REIKA and AJP would lock up and REIKA would get an armdrag, heading to the ropes and when AJP gets up she would go for a nice crossbody for a one count. AJP got a snapmare takeover and a legdrop, picking her up and following with a hiptoss and a kick to the back of REIKA. AJP was thrown to the ropes but jumped on the second rope and hit REIKA with a flying Baba neckbreaker, getting a two count. REIKA now would set up for the Nothern Lights Suplex Hold but AJP freed himself and landed on his feet, and when REIKA turned around she ate a spin kick! Jean-Paul went for the Shooting Star Press but REIKA got the knees up and applied an Octopus Hold but Jean-Paul got to the ropes. AJP would block a REIKA bulldog throwing her into the ropes but she would duck an inside leg roundhouse to hit him with a flying lariat! REIKA would go up for the REIKA DiveBomb but took too long and AJP got up. REIKA would go for a spinkick from the top but AJP caught her IN MIDAIR for a powerbomb! AJP would then hoist REIKA up, put her in a cutter position, and hit a standing Shiranui!

AM: He calls that “C’est Magnifique”! One, two, three! What a win for Jean-Paul! But now is the time where things are going to get ugly. An unlikely duo of Mike Blood and Chris Koger... who are already starting daggers at each other... face off against part of Joe “Danger” Smith’s Nightmares, Shinokumo and the simply SCARY “Halloween” Edward Jones.

Mike Blood and Chris Koger vs Shinokumo and “Halloween” Edward Jones

Blood and Koger fought over who would go in first, and Shinokumo would bumrush Blood from behind and clobber him in the back of the forearm and throw him to the ropes for a dropkick to the shin followed by a side headlock. Blood would manage to get to his feet and shove Shinokumo off hitting him with a superkick and SMACKING Koger in the chest.

AM: Koger’s not exactly the most popular guy in the locker room, and Blood is one of the many enemies he made since his debut.

Koger would go in the ring and hit Shinokumo with a pair of running forearms causing Shinokumo to tag out to “Halloween” who rolled under the bottom rope and crawled around on all fours. Koger would try to elbow drop him but he rolled out of the way and hit a knee-dt and a half crab. Koger got to the ropes and hit a slam on Jones, following up with a knee drop and a belly to belly for a two count. He threw Jones to the ropes but Jones answered with a lariat and crawled to Shinokumo for the tag. Shinokumo went up to the top and hit a knee drop and rolled to Blood and spit mist in his face! Blood slipped off the apron and the ref looked over to him allowing Jones to choke Koger. Shinokumo would get the referee’s attention and hit a brainbuster and a tag to Edward Jones and went for a suplex but dropped into a stunner, following up with a Dragon Clutch! Koger escaped again and hit a Patriot Act going to the top for a flying elbow but Shinokumo grabbed his leg. Koger kicked Shinokumo off but it was too late so instead of an elbow he dropped off and tagged Blood! Blood would run to Edward Jones and hit a Kenka Kick, Shinokumo would come in but he would eat a LARIATOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! As Blood rolled Shinokumo out of the ring, Edward Jones recovered, chopping Blood and throwing him to the ropes... Tilt-A-Whirl Elm Street Slam! Jones would then lock in the Vorhees Clutch, but Koger would make the save. Blood would be dragged to their corner by Koger who would get on the apron and ‘tag’ Blood. Koger would enter the ring hitting Jones with a jumping knee and followed up with a Koger Driver! One, two, three!

AM: Never thought I’d be glad to see Chris Koger win a match, but there you go folks, Koger and Blood have beaten the Nightmares! Coming up next though is the moment I’ve personally been waiting for, The Geek Squad of Xander Starr and Sam S McCloud are facing the Satanic Legion.

Starr and McCloud come out to an October Raven Productions mix of “Burn My Dread” from the Persona 3 sountrack and Metal Man’s theme from Mega Man II. McCloud is dressed up like the main character of Persona 3 while Starr is wearing a shirt that reads “I got my FLEX gimmick stolen and all I got was this lousy T-Shirt”.

DPW Tag Team Title Match: Geek Squad vs Satanic Legion (c)

Sam and Raiku started out, Raiku would hit a knee to the midsection followed by a big slam, the elbow drop however would be missed as Sam rolled away, standing up and hitting a flip senton. Raiku got to his feet and Sam headed to the ropes, hitting an “E Honda Special” (flying shoulder block) but Raiku didn’t go down. Raiku would deliver a hiptoss and a knee drop. Sam would manage to tag out and Xander jumped over the ropes and got a handspring into a flying headscissors! Xander followed up with a standing moonsault and got a cover. One, two, kickout. Xander hit a kneelkick but this sent Raiku into the corner and Gacy made the tag. Gacy went for a forearm and decked Xander, knocking Sam off the apron too. Gacy would deliver some stomps to the face of Xander. Sam tried to get in the ring and the ref would be distracted, allowing the Legion to deliver a two-man powerbomb!

Gacy would hit a shoulderbreaker followed up with an elbow drop, getting a two count. Gacy then threw Xander to the ropes and went for a "Spike Through Your Head" but Xander ducked under it and SWEPT THE LEG, JOHNNY! Xander then hit an Armani Shoe Exchange and tagged out to Sam. Sam would get on the top rope and hit a frog splash for a two count, then Gacy would deliver a series of elbows, then smashed Sam into the turnbuckle. Tag to Raiku and the two of them would set up in the corner for a spike piledriver, but Xander would run to that corner, leap off of Raiku's back and do a rana to the floor to Gacy, but Xander held on to deliver a springboard mushroom stomp to Raiku! Sam and Xander would then get behind Raiku in the middle of the ring and hit that double Ore Ga Taue that is called the "Geek Out"! One, two, THREE!

AM: NEW TAG TEAM CHAMPIONS! That was an AMAZING comeback! And now they are getting ready to lower the cage for the next match that will determine the fate of DPW. Joe “Danger” Smith puts his immunity on the line against October Raven, and if Smith wins he also wins this company! This is going to get brutal and fast.

CAGE MATCH: Joe “Danger” Smith vs October Raven

OR and Smith come out swinging exchanging elbows, OR stunning Smith with a headbutt, then SHOOTING IN and raining down headbutts from the guard. Smith manages to fight the boss off and grabs his head throwing him into the cage, then applying a camel clutch. OR would break Smith’s grip and elbow him off, hitting a kitchen sink to Smith followed by an elbow drop to the back of the head. Smith recovered and hits a scoop and a slam followed by a leg drop and a pin for a two count. Smith would pick up the boss and hit a big DDT, bouncing off the ropes for a kneedrop, then lift him up again to throw him into the corner. Smith would then head to an opposite side of the cage and slam his fist three times onto the wall... and Edward Jones crawls out from under the ring!

AM: How the! I guess with the fanfare of the cage being lowered he was able to hide there unnoticed!

Jones would heave a biker chain over the cage and Smith caught it, wrapping it around his fist and DECKING OR with it, then wrapping it around his neck to try to choke him out! OR started to fade... then elbowed Smith in the midsection twice, throwing him into the ropes and hitting a ‘head lariat’! He would wrap his own hand with the chain and GRIND IT ON SMITHS FACE, making him bleed! He removed the chain and tossed it aside, he would head to the top rope and go for a flying elbow, but Smith rolled out of the way! Smith would pick OR up and set up for the “Goalpost Tombstone” (Sitout Tombstone) but OR managed to get free... KATAHAJIM... NO LOWBLOW! Smith would head to the ropes for a Blitz, but OR would duck down... and Smith would walk right into position... FINAL MASSACRE! OR would then put the final nail in the coffin with a Katahajime, and Smith would be choked out for the end of this brutal match!


The cage raised and OR got a mic.

OR: Alright you son of a bitch... you are getting the HELL away from this building. You and all your Nightmares. If I see ANYBODY, wether he’s with this motherfucking piece of shit or not, interfering in the title match, they will be fired on the spot. And should that interference and in injury, I’m going to have you arrested for battery.

AM: OR laying down the law here... and this is going to be a hell of a sendoff to this epic 2008. Chris DaMico and Corey O’Brian, two technical masters facing off to prove who is the best wrestler on the planet.

MAIN EVENT FOR THE DPW TITLE: Chris DaMico vs Corey O’Brian (c)

DaMico and O’Brian start with a handshake before locking up, O’Brian getting a headlock takecover countered by a headscissors that Corey escapes with a jackknife pin that DaMico counters with a sunset flip-style roll, but O’Brian rolls through setting up for a Figure Four but DaMico catches his head and goes for a small package for a two count. DaMico goes for a single leg and floats over for a headlock but Corey manages to switch to his back then roll DaMico onto his shoulders but DaMico gets free and applies a Keylock and Corey bridges up, DaMico trying to transition to a Kimura on the other arm but Corey manages to catch him with a rollup this time for a nearfall. Back to a vertical base and O’Brian gets the headlock again, this time not opting for a takedown but instead going into a bulldog and transitioning to a JUST Facelock, but DaMico gets to the ropes. DaMico then tries to shoot in but ends up being forced to pull guard, but he grabs O’Brian’s arms and crosses them while wrapping his legs around Corey’s arms with his shoelaces pressed against his neck! Corey gets his feet on the floor and hoists DaMico up and slams him down to break the hold, getting a leglock but DaMico would roll out of it to escape.

DaMico would whip O’Brian into the ropes and get a drop toe hold and going to a Japan Roll Leg Clutch, but Corey rolled through and managed to get DaMico on his shoulders and get a Japan Leg Roll Clutch of his own for a two count. Back to a vertical base and DaMico went for the DaMico DDT but Corey would slip out of the chancery and get a hammerlock and set up for a modified Millenium Suplex but DaMico landed on his feet and went to the ropes to hit the one-legged dropkick! DaMico would start with a figure four but when Corey sat up Chris DaMico bent forward and secured his arms for a NOSAWA Clutch for a nearfall! O’Brian would get to his feet and get an arm drag and followed up with a spinning toe hold, but DaMico kicked him in the chest to break it up! DaMico rolled to his feet for another standoff!

O’Brian locked up DaMico again, pulling him into a chancery position for a basic neck lock, but DaMico would pop his head out and deliver a chop. O’Brian would answer with a chop of his own and the two would trade chop for chop. DaMico would whiff a chop and Corey would hit a Shotei, then grab him by the head and bring him to the corner for a Calf Branding! Corey would measure him up for a Shining Black but DaMico rolled away, got another drop toe hold and went for a camel clutch! O’Brian broke DaMico’s grip and elbow him off and get back to a vertical base for a big vertical suplex and going to the top rope... a rare moonsault from O’Brian! One, two, kickout.

O’Brian would set up now for a Fisherman’s Buster but DaMico floated over and managed to get a prawn hold for a two count. Undeterred DaMico would grab his arm and set up for “La Rosa Del Entiero” but Corey would elbow himself away before DaMico could get the roll. DaMico would hit a kneel kick then pick O’Brian up... and THIS TIME HE GOT IT!


Corey would plant one of his feet on the canvas, and after twenty seconds of stuggling managed to get his arm free and used it to get his leg free and he escaped the hold!

AM: WOW! Nobody had managed to escape that hold before, but the master of a million moves managed to find a way out!

DaMico would set up for the Emerald Frosion but Corey escaped and put DaMico in position for the Core Meltdown but DaMico backdropped out of it! DaMico would then hop on Corey’s shoulders to deliver the Mysterio Rana but Corey quickly ran to the corner and hit a turnbuckle powerbomb! Still holding on to DaMico’s legs, he did a quick 180... CORE MELTDOWN! ONE, TWO, KICKOUT! O’Brian would try to hoist him up for the Kinniku Buster, but DaMico blocked it, got back to his feet, DaMico DDT! Cover, one, two, kickout. O’Brian would get to his feet, chop DaMico in the throat then throw him into the corner... he would then hoist DaMico onto the top rope facing the outside...

AM: Avalanche Core Meltdown coming up! This will be the end!

O’Brian climbed to the top and prepared to lift DaMico for the end... but DaMico blocked it... AVALANCHE SCHWEIN! DaMico would put O’Brian back in La Rosa Del Entiero, and O’Brian seemed completely immobile! The referee verbally checked O’Brian.... once.... twice.... and he then waved his arms!

AM: It’s over! DaMico is the new DPW Champion! I’m being told it’s being ruled as a technical submission as Corey did not actually give up, but a win by any means is a win in DPW!

DaMico would revive O’Brian, who got up and SHOT at DaMico, but looked up realizing DaMico’s theme was playing then stepped off, helping the new champion up and raising his hand!

AM: O’Brian was probably thinking the fight was still going on but now that he gets it he’s showing his sportsmanship.

O’Brian starts favoring his neck as he gets a mic.

CO: DaMico... you deserve it, man. I’m not making any excuses... you won that fair and square. But remember this, DaMico.... nobody beats me the same way twice. I’ll be coming for that belt again, and if you’re not ready for it, I’ll be taking it back.

AM: Well there you go folks, new champions and what looks to be a great start for 2009 for Demolition Pro Wrestling! Good night and happy new year!