Tuesday, January 26, 2010

DPW Massacre in Boston

(OOC Note: No more seven-page writeups... the one that will be for FLEX will be the last one. I'm sticking to short reviews from now on, so I can have shows in a more regular basis.)

Live from the TD Banknorth Center in Boston Mass

The show started with "Black Curtains" by Megadeth playing, Smith and Koger coming out with Norcia, Smith carrying a bokken.

JDS: Tonight, the Power Play will take over DPW. Tonight we will show what happens when you stand in our way of dominating this company. Me and Koger will be facing your white knight Corey O'Brian, and his leech of a cousin Socks. And when we pin Corey... and we WILL pin Corey... we get to punish him by giving him ten strikes with this... a solid oak wooden sword. Not only will it leave him with bruises... it will scar him for life by being humiliated in front of the world. And that's not all that will happen. Tonight, Norcia will do what myself and Koger have failed to do. And that is take the DPW World Heavyweight Championship. DaMico, it was only a matter of time before the world realized that your little dragon screw is no match for our sheer brutality. You will be struck down in front of every one of these fans... and when DPW comes back to Fort Lauderdale... they will have to suffer the truth that DPW is going to DIE! By our hands.

DPW-J TAG TITLE MATCH: Sweet Dreams (Patricia "PJ" Jackson and "Sweet" Candi Ramirez) vs Gutter and Cynthia San-Martino(c)
Gutter and Cynthia were already at each others throats, as they came out to "Kids in America" by The Muffs and seemed to think the other chose the theme (Angus MacDudley would admit he did it as a practical joke). This allowed PJ and Candi to easily take advantage of them, using frequent tags and their contrasting styles to force Cynthia to tag to Gutter with a slap, who responded by punching Cynthia in the face! Gutter and Cynthia started fighting each other, literally this time, and PJ almost got Gutter with a rollup. Gutter took more offense from PJ, but Gutter would reverse a sleeper hold by backing PJ into the corner. Cynthia would blind tag Gutter in, causing Gutter to snap and attack Cynthia again, this time the two of them fighting outside the ring. Eventually DPW-J referee Sakura-chan reached the 20 count and the titles changed hands!

Patricia Jackson O/Candi Ramirez [7:51- Countout] Gutter/Cynthia San-Martino X

Guest Match: "Over 9000" Vic Marino vs KIRA
Vic Marino is a rising indy name, and KIRA is a member of the DPW Dojo. Marino gained an early advantage by keeping the larger man on the mat with submissions, but the powerhouse recovered and delivered several pounding strikes and slams. KIRA would hit an early "Apple Driver" (Blue Thunder), but Marino would kick out. After making a comeback he hit his "Blame Canada!" (Yokosuka Cutter) finisher for a two count. KIRA would try to answer with a "Sheer Heart Attack" (Complete Dust) finisher but Marino floated over and got him with a "Vic Roll" (Victory Roll) for the three count.

Vic Marino O [14:03- "Vic Roll"] KIRA X

Thomas Clarke and EURO*STAR (Amazing Jean-Paul and Tony Pescarelli) vs The Nightmares (Shinokumo, "Halloween" Edward Jones, and Raiku Daisatsu)
Clarke was defeated by a miscommunication at Hand of God thanks to Shinokumo's mist, so DPW had it's first-ever six-man tag team match so Clarke can try to get some vindication. Clarke's technical prowess, Jean-Paul's agility, and Tony's combination of the two gave the powerful Nightmares a run for their money. Thomas Clarke nearly got the win over Shinokumo with a flying headbutt(!) and a "London Bomber" (Axe Bomber) but the Nightmares broke up both pins. Shinokumo blinded Clarke with the mist allowing Jones to hit an "Elm Street Slam" (Side Slam) and Shinokumo followed up with a moonsault to get the three count.

Clarke X/AJP/Pescarelli [34:48- Moonsault] Shinokumo O/Jones/Raiku

"Indyriffic" Steve Evans vs Ghost
Ghost is a terrifying presence and a deadly force in the ring, but nobody told that to Steve Evans who came out swinging, nailing a high impact Olympic Slam and a "Kevin Bacon Driver" (Michunoku Driver II-B) only seven minuites into the match but came out short. As the match went on, Ghost made the momentum shift in his favor, and after some outside brawls, a "Kevin Bacon Driver" traded for a "Buried Alive" (Complete Shot) for nearfalls, Ghost finally got his "Sleep Forever" (Seated sleeper) to submit Evans.

Steve Evans X [23:22- "Sleep Forever"] Ghost O

Jin Haisha vs Monster Takeshi
We saw the old Monster Takeshi early on, STEAMROLLING Haisha with a Knockout Lariat and a Falcon Arrow Driver just four minuites into the bout, and tried for the "Tokyo Tower Bomb" (Last Ride) but Haisha back tossed out of it! Haisha used a healthy diet of chops and elbows, even slamming Takeshi a couple times, but when he went for a piledriver he got backtossed. Takeshi did an even more shocking thing, hitting a flying elbow off the top rope! Takeshi tried another Knockout Lariat, but Haisha got a SCHOOOOL BOAY! and got the three count for Haisha's most SHOCKING upset yet!

Jin Haisha O [26:07- School Boy] Monster Takeshi X

The O'Brians (Corey and Socks) vs Power Play (Chris Koger and Joe "Danger" Smith, w/ Micheal Norcia) Loser takes ten strikes to the back with a bokken
Corey was overagressive as we have seen him since the Power Play was formed, hammering Koger and Smith for five minuites straight before tagging in Socks to give him a chance to punish the power play. Smith would thumb the eye while Koger distracted senior official Matt Weston and the devious duo constantly double teamed Socks, Norcia using the referee's distraction to ambush O'Brian and smash his face into the apron several times before backing off to avoid being caught. Smith would hit Socks with a Blitz (Running Spear) and then literally LAUNCHED Socks' carcass to Corey's corner, and Corey had no choice but to tag in for his cousin's sake! Corey fought back hard, hitting Smith with a Shotei and a brainbuster, Smith avoiding a lariat to barely tag out to Koger. Koger found himself on the losing end too, Smith tagging him as he got nailed with a German! Smith got some shots on O'Brian, and went for his "Goalpost Tombstone" (Ganso TTD) but Corey floated over for the "Core Meltdown II" (Psycho Driver)! Koger tried to pre-emptively stop the pin, but Corey gave him a "Core Meltdown" (Ganso Bomb) for his trouble! He went for the pin, but...


Corey stood up and looked at his cousin in shock, and Socks kicked him in the midsection, went behind him, and nailed a vicious backdrop! Smith would get his arm over Corey, and the three count would be made!

Corey X/Socks [14:10- Backdrop] Koger/Smith O

Socks got on the microphone as Koger and Norcia held Corey up while Smith administered the caning with the Bokken.

Socks: I said if there was a traitor in DPW, that it would be someone who absolutely hates you. And nobody... not even these three... hate you as much as I do. When we competed for the DPW Tag Team titles, that was about YOU, not us. All you cared about was getting your first tag team title. And when YOU lost the title, you went right for Monster Takeshi. And what happened to me? I was put back in the midcard! You did NOTHING to get me the exposure I deserved. I busted my ass harder than you or anyone else, but no matter what I did, I was just Corey's cousin. NO MORE! I am TIRED of living under your shadow. When I am done with you, YOU will be known... as STEVEN O'Brian's cousin.

October Raven would come out now.

OR: Socks... you... you disgust me. Of all the things that have been done in this company, this has to be the newest low yet. The only reason I won't fire you is because while YOU may think Corey is just looking out for himself, everyone else in the back knows he does everything he can to give back to the industry. So I am not going to fire you because having to face all those people that you are insulting, by turning against everything we stand for in DPW... that is a far worse punishment. But! Don't expect ANY of you to get paid tonight. ALL of you are going to be fined what you WOULD have made tonight. And I am BANNING the Power Play from ringside during the title match.

DPW Tag Team Title Match: Eric Gacy and Stan Vasic vs Geek Squad(c)(Xander Starr and Sam S McCloud)
Many thought the unlikely duo of Eric Gacy and Stan Vasic would destroy the Geek Squad, and it did seem to be in the cards for a lot of this match. Gacy and Vasic lacked one thing the Geek Squad did, and that was teamwork. It was a back and forth battle but after surviving THREE spinning brainbusters from Stan Vasic Sam would catch him with "Apeture Science" (Code Red) for the win!

Gacy/Vasic X [20:30- "Apeture Science"] Starr/McCloud O

DPW World Title Match: "Hand of God" Micheal Norcia vs "King of Roses" Chris DaMico(c)
Norcia came out strong against DaMico, and while the veteran brawler built up momentum Chris' counters and nearfalls managed to take that momentum right back. Norcia for example would oounter DaMico's "Twelve Seconds Magic" submission with multiple Rampage slams, but one too many as DaMico countered with a release rana! Norcia hit a brainbuster and signaled for the "Hand of God" knockout punch but DaMico would grab his leg and get a dragon screw! Norcia was clutching his leg as DaMico used the surprise to lock in "La Rosa Del Entiero" (Mexican Stretch) and the Power Play would hit the ring to break it up! Steven O'Brian would hit DaMico with the title belt, and Norcia would pick DaMico up and BLAST him with the "Hand of God", knocking him out cold! Smith had the bokken and looked to beat DaMico with it like he did to Corey, but Jin Haisha, Steve Evans , and Xander Starr came out to try to stop this! EURO*STAR and Thomas Clarke would come out too, but when the Power Play started to retreat, they were stopped... by MONSTER TAKESHI! Finally, before all hell broke loose, October Raven came out.

OR: You see what you get, Steven? We're not all selfish little punks like you. And as much as Chris DaMico would love to get his hands on any of you, I'm not going to reward this attack with a title shot. So for our next DPW show, The Punishment Due, Chris DaMico will face someone who has had a shot coming for a while now... REIKA! Smith, Koger... you two will face off against ... Mike Blood and a man who beat you Koger recently... Robert Gemini. Steven, you want to be treated like a big name, well I'll do that. You will face ... Ghost. And Norcia, you will face.... Monster Takeshi. And if ANY of you interfere with ANY matches, or do any other attacks... before this match I just got off the phone with the Florida State Athletic commission. If you pull any of that shit at The Punishment Due... all FOUR of you will receive a lifetime ban from wrestling in Florida, PERIOD. And! Since Florida directly governs DPW, that ban will also apply to DPW events outside of Florida too. But any other fed you guys wrestle in, I got connections, I'll send guys to make sure your career will not be a pleasant one.