Saturday, March 15, 2008

DPW Winter of Souls Recap

AM: Ladies and gentlemen, welcome once again to another exciting DPW show, Winter of Souls, live at the BankAntlantic center. We got eight exciting matches lined up, and as always, the very best in wrestling will be in action, including a new face, as well as someone that we don't even know who he is!

XS: That's right Angus but we'll get to that when it comes. Also tonight, the match that DPW fans have been waiting to see. It's a classic bout between the unstoppable force and the immovable object. The former is the submission master, the man who is known for seperating the shoulder of Socks O'Brian in less than two minuites, Genocide. And of course he faces the unbeaten Monster Takeshi, DPW's champion and a man who has laid waste to the best in the business.

AM: But right now, we got everyone's favorite loser, "Most Failure" himself, Jin Haisha. And DPW's answer to Glass Joe has his work cut out for him against the Battle Lord, Hotaka Tokudo.


Haisha X<12:15- Dragon Sleeper>Tokudo O

XS: Got to give credit to Haisha, he took several Bohis and Release Germans, and even hit his Superkick!

AM: But Haisha couldn't last forever, and that Dragon Sleeper was the final nail in the coffin.

XS: Right you are. Coming up next is The Satanic Legion vs the hottest couple in wrestling, Frank Desmond and REIKA. The Satanic Legion is a new team formed by Raiku Daisatsu and newcomer Eric Gacy. They sent us a tape showing what Gacy can do, and man, he is one scary competitor, and I've seen a lot of creeps in my career.

AM: Aye. The most freakish thing about this guy is his emotion when in the ring. It's not anger, or delight... it's like watching his opponents writhe in pain is like a science project to him.


Daisatsu O/Gacy <17:46- KO via Satanic Offering> Desmond/REIKA X

*After the match, Daisatsu and Gacy kneel and pray in the middle of the ring, while Desmond checked on REIKA.*

XS: ...Oh man... they absolutely destroyed REIKA and Desmond.

AM: The two youngers put up a fight, but they didn't have a chance. Especially when Gacy was in the ring. He was so dominating it took both of them just to hold him off.

XS: Desmond is taking REIKA to the back, hopefully she's okay, we'll get back to you on her condition. But right now, Mike Blood is facing "The Star" Robert Gemini, who has become the protege of Chris Koger as of late.


Blood O <17:02- Ground Gamengiri> Gemini X

AM: Well thats one way to a win a match.

XS: Gemini was setting up for that "Perfect 10 Figure Four" of his, but Blood kicked him in the jaw and managed to score a suprise fall on Gemini! And Mike Blood picks up yet another win in what's turning out to be a great show.

AM: And this next match should be a good one too. Two of DPW's oldest tag teams, Team Handsome Tokyo and Anarchy In The UK, will meet for the first time. It'll be interesting to see which of these two athletic and talented teams will come out on top.


Mazaki/Tenmaku X<29:05- Anarchy Slam>Williams/Clarke O

XS: A nice finish to a match that was down to the very wire, and a great display of teamwork from Anarchy in the UK.

AM: That Anarchy Slam from Williams, then Clarke held Mazaki in place for a dropkick that kept Mr. J on the mat long enough for Clarke to pin Yoshiro Tenmaku. And THT has nothing to be ashamed of here.

XS: And while this match has had athletes with similar styles showing their skill, this match is going to feature wrestlers with vastly different styles.

AM: Chris DaMico is a technician who is a master of quick pinfalls who likes to use his agility and finesse, and Shinokumo... well, Shinokumo just beats the crap out of people. Shinokumo managed to defeat Tony Pescarelli, another technical wrestler, at Elysian Fields. Let's see if he can make it two for two.


DaMico X<13:52- Knockout Strike>Shinokumo O

XS: And another sudden finish to a great contest.

AM: Shinokumo dished out the punishment and DaMico fought back, but as the match went on, DaMico was taking the toll from that head wound and eventually he just couldn't keep on fighting.

XS: It's good that this match did end before he got seriously hurt... speaking of which, an update on REIKA, she's going to be sore in the morning but she won't need medical attention, just a lot of ice packs.

AM: That's good to hear. And at the risk of sounding biased, one man I hope to see needing an ice pack is coming out tonight, Chris Koger. At Elysian Fields after knocking out Yoshiro Tenmaku with his Koger Driver, he viciously did the same to Jintaro Mazaki. The boss put a stop to it and now Koger has to face a mystery opponent. And on top of that, if he attacks the mystery man before or after this match, he will never wrestle in DPW again!


Koger O<17:04- Release German Suplex>Togashi X

AM: Well, as much as I can't stand the guy, I got to give Koger credit for that win.

XS: Togashi was really in charge, but Koger turned the tables with a Koger Driver on the floor, then a few minuites later, a second Koger Driver, followed by that Geman Suplex, lead to a three count and... oh great he's got a mic.

Koger: That was it? That was the big punishment? You just fed me another Japanese loser? I want a challenge! Why don't you stop protecting your champion, and let me do what I just did to Togashi here? What do you have to say about that, boss? Huh? ANSWER ME!

::Instead of October Raven, he was answered by the sounds of Megadeth's "Crush Em" as Mike Blood came out to the arena in street clothes.::

Blood: I think I speak for everyone in the locker room, everyone in the stands, and everyone watching in their homes... when I say "Shut your mouth, punk!" You might be a great wrestler, and a hell of an athlete... but you got no respect for the guys here who deserve a hell of a lot more respect than you do. So don't go dreaming about facing Monster Takeshi just yet... because I was talking to the boss during your match, and we agreed that it's high time I beat some respect into you. So get ready, Koger, because you're facing the Razorback!

XS: And Koger is absolutely beside himself! He's going to have to face one of the toughest guys in the locker room, Mike Blood. That's going to be a match for the ages.

AM: Well this is another match that will be one you don't want to miss. The young tag team of Amazing Jean-Paul and Tony Pescarelli face off against the DPW Tag Team Champions, Corey and Socks O'Brian, who have been nothing short of incredible as of late.


Tony O/AJP <25:08- KO via Naples Clutch> Corey X/Socks


AM: Jean-Paul hit an axe kick on O'Brian's neck, allowing Tony Pescarelli to huge his Naples Clutch finishing hold, while keeping Socks at bay with a roundhouse kick... and Corey passed out in the hold, and now we have new champs.

XS: Corey has come to, and now he's shaking hands with the new champs, what a great display of sportsmanship from O'Brian.

AM: Well I sincerly doubt a handshake will happen after this next match. Two men who have been unstoppable in singles action finally collide. Genocide, the submission master known for his dangerous armbars, faces off against Monster Takeshi, who is known for his dominating size and power. One of them has to lose... but who?


Genocide X<13:46- Press Slam>Takeshi O

XS: Well, it wasn't pretty but it worked.

AM: These two really went at it. Kimura Armbars, Tokyo Tower Bombs, just about all their big moves in fact were thrown out for this bout. But in the end, a bloodied Monster Takeshi slammed Genocide to the canvas and that was all she wrote.

XS: Monster Takeshi has defeated yet another challenger to his spot as the top man in the DPW... the only question is, who will be the next to step up to the unbeaten champ?

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