Monday, April 13, 2009

Return of the Dome results

Live at the world-famous Tokyo Dome

The show starts with Angus MacDudley and Corey O’Brian in the ring, Angus speaking while Corey translates for the live crowd.

Angus: Tokyo, Japan... and everyone watching across the world... welcome to Demolition Pro Wrestling! DPW has brought the best of wrestling across the world together, and tonight we celebrate this in our long-awaited return to Japan. Our main event features our new DPW World Champion, Chris DaMico, who was trained in the lucha libre style of Mexico, competing under the name of “La Rey Del Rosa”, against Tokyo’s own Jintaro Mazaki. Also the man standing next to me, the heart and soul of DPW, Corey O’Brian faces off against a puroresu icon in Masashi Togashi, and in a rematch of our last show at the Tokyo Dome, Yoshiro Tenmaku faces off against Monster Takeshi, to settle the question of who would have won if not for the interference of one Chris Koger...

“God Send Death” by Slayer hits as Joe “Danger” Smith steps through the curtains with a mic.

JDS: Speaking of Koger... you forgot to mention that tonight I beat that punk into a bloody pulp. Now, last time I was in Japan... *points to Corey* I nearly broke him in half. It’s been five long years since then... and I don’t miss it one bit.

After Corey translates that last line, fans start to boo.

Angus MacDudley: You actually got something to say, Smith? And why aren’t your little Nightmare buddies with you?

JDS: As a matter of fact I do... and it has to do with just that. See, the Nightmares aren’t here in full force for two reasons... first being that Shinokumo, Edward Jones, and Raiku Daisatsu aren’t here... apparently DPW didn’t think to book all of their Japanese talent in a homecoming... but that doesn’t matter to me. See, in the cage match... what did they do to stop me from losing that match? NOTHING. They could have attacked OctoberRaven before the match, or broke into the cage... yeah, they’d get fired, they’d possibly even get arrested, but I would have won that match, won this company, and rehired them. Instead... they did nothing. They need to realize I wasn’t there to help them, they were there to help ME, to help me take this company over. Well I don’t need them anymore... so the Nightmares as far as I’m concerned... are broken up. And if any of them have a problem with that... they can face me in the ring and I’ll Blitz them in half. I’m done.

Smith heads to the back.

Angus MacDudley: ...Anyways, our first match is the DPW-J Title match... as many of you remember Bloody Mary managed to defeat Gutter for the belt, and Gutter has been on a tear trying to get a rematch. Well tonight she is getting a chance at it, but in a first-fall three-way match. The third competitor? An old enemy of Gutter’s, Crazy Red. Red and Gutter first met each other in Jersey All-Women’s Sports. Gutter defeated Carol Moon in her debut match, and JAWS’ then and current Queen of the Deathmatch, Robyn Rotten, ambushed Gutter. Crazy Red went to save the newcomer and help her to the back, but Gutter then BRUTALLY lashed out at Red, hitting her over the head seven times with a steel chair in an attack that caused scarring on Red’s head that still exists today... which is why Red wears a baseball cap everywhere. Rumor has it that Red and Gutter had an altercation at the Peter Venkman Memorial Arena, home of OG-Joshi, but neither of them have commented on this. And now, exposition finally aside, get ready for what is sure to be a heated contest.

DPW-J Title Match: Gutter vs Crazy Red vs Bloody Mary (c)

The three women went right at each other in a wild pile-up to start, Bloody Mary managing to gain the upper hand over Red and Gutter who cared more about beating on each other. Mary picked up Red and slammed her before doing a foot rake on Red. Gutter would hit Mary with an axehandle from behind and throw her over the ropes, dropping her head on Red’s sternum. Red would reverse an Irish Whip and dropkick Gutter, but Bloody Mary would follow up with a flying knee drop! Red would try to hit Bloody Mary with a roaring elbow but Bloody Mary ducked and hit a powerslam! Bloody Mary would lift Red up in a backdrop, and Gutter would follow suit, a double backdrop on Red before Gutter immediately went to Bloody Mary, elbowing her in the face repeatedly!

AM: Gutter isn’t looking to double team, that could turn out to be her undoing here.

Sure enough Red would grab Gutter and hit her with an Irish Whip, and the champ would nod to her and they hit a double dropkick on Gutter! And another! And a double suplex! Eventually though Red would try a quick rollup on Bloody Mary for a two count, Bloody Mary recovering and hitting a DDT! Bloody Mary now gouged at Red’s eyes until the ref stopped it.... and Gutter hit a jumping knee to the face of Bloody Mary! Gutter goes to the top rope... Mad Splash on Red! One, two, kickout. Bloody Mary would elbow Gutter in the face, SPINNING BACKFIST to floor Mary! Gutter would stalk Red to set up for the Gutter Cleaner, but Red scouted it,countering by using a drop toe hold! Gutter would then get pounded by a Redline (lariat)! Red made a belt pose, then turned around... RIGHT INTO BLOODY MARY’S ARMS! GO 2 HELL! One, two, three!

AM: And Bloody Mary manages to retain her title! Coming up next is Anarchy In The UK doing battle with Socks O’Brian and Steve Evans. Evans is a student of the older cousin of Socks, Corey O’Brian, and they have trained together at the DPW Dojo.

Anarchy in the UK vs Socks O’Brian and Steve Evans

Kevin and Steve started out this match, Kevin getting a headlock but Steve slipping out and throwing Kevin into the ropes for a dropkick, then MOONWALKED to Kevin for a 180 kneedrop to follow up. Evans would get a snapmare takeover and went to follow up with a dropkick to the face but Kevin rolled away and tagged out to Thomas Clarke! Thomas hit a running elbow smash on Steve then getting and arm drag into an armbar but Socks tagged the foot of Steve, cutting Thomas off before he could try to attack him with a shoulder tackle, but Socks fell on his backside too! Both men got to their feet at the same time, heading to the ropes, Socks went for another tackle but both men went down once more! Socks would try one more... ducking a London Bomber, and this time hitting a LEAPING shoulder tackle! He went for a Sock Hop but Steve got a blind tag while he went to the ropes, and was all “WTF” as Steve went to the top rope... Socks would have to hit the deck as Steve had his Slim Jim already in hand.... FLYING ELBOW WHILE BITING INTO THE SLIM JIM! One, two, Kevin broke it up! Tag to Kevin, dropkick to Steve and setting up for the Revolutionizer... MISSED! Steve would stalk for That Japanese Move, but Clarke entered the ring.... LONDON BOMBER! Socks would enter the ring , and they hit him with a Double Fisherman’s Suplex! Kevin would go for a springboard Revolutionizer! One, two, three!

AM: And the teamwork of Anarchy in the UK pays off. Coming up next is Eric Gacy vs Amazing Jean-Paul. Two former Tag Team champions, and Gacy... well, I guess now formerly of the Nightmares... getting his singles debut... and wait a second, the boss talking to Gacy, let’s go to the back...

IN THE BACK, October Raven is stopping Eric Gacy from continuing to ringside.

OR: Hey, Big Guy... okay put down the sickle I’m not here to pick a fight... alright, look, I know Smith just broke up your little group... and I don’t know how you feel about that... but as much as I hate Smith, we have rules here, so I don’t want you to go and try to run-in during his match, okay?

Gacy just stares at him.

OR: Okay? ::Gacy is still staring:: Okay! Good luck, and if you do good... I might be looking your way for a main event soon.

OR pats Gacy on the back, and Gacy goes to make his entrance. Xander Starr pops onto camera.

OR: Think he’ll jump Smith?

XS: I don’t think so... but man, that dude is effin creepy... doesn’t even BLINK.

“Dark Killer” Eric Gacy vs Amazing Jean-Paul

Jean-Paul starts off with a series of kicks on Gacy, ending with a Sobat but Gacy COMPLETELY IGNORES the big Sobat and hits AJP with a series of elbows and a shortarm lariat. He stomps on AJP’s face before picking him up by the singlet and TOSSING him over the ropes and nearly into the barricade! Gacy heads out the ring too, axehandle to the back followed by a whip to the barricade. Jean-Paul would try a spinkick but Gacy blocked it, and throwing him into the steps! AJP stands up... SPIKE THROUGH YOUR HEAD, the back of AJP’s skull hitting the ringpost!

AM: That was SICK. Any harder and he might have crushed Jean’s skull!

Gacy picks up the carcass of Jean-Paul and throws him back into the ring. He lifts him up for a shoulder breaker, then an elbow drop, before heading to the corner... AJP takes almost the full ten count to stand up... ANOTHER Spike Through Your Head! A Black Spiral Dance would follow up, then the academic three count.

AM: Gacy utterly destroyed Amazing Jean-Paul... the guy’s got freakish power to him... he may indeed be heading to a title shot down the line... and I wouldn’t want to be the lad to face him for the title. Coming up next, the rematch from the last Tokyo Dome Show, Yoshiro Tenmaku faces off against Monster Takeshi.

Yoshiro Tenmaku vs Monster Takeshi

Yoshiro tries to lock up with Takeshi who shoves him down. Yoshiro tries a dropkick to the knee but it seems to do little. Running to the ropes, another dropkick to the knee, and Takeshi’s leg gives out and he drops to one knee. Yoshiro heads to the ropes again... URAKEN BY MONSTER TAKESHI! Takeshi picks up Yoshiro and slams him into the mat, once, twice, a third time countered by Yoshiro floating over... PRAWN HOLD ROLLUP! One, two, kickout. Takeshi would hit Yoshiro with a big suplex then start stomping away, pulling him to his feet then TOSSING him into the corner... AVALA... NO! Yoshiro flips over the ropes to counter, goes to the top rope... PHOENIX DDT! Cover, one, two, kickout at two! Yoshiro attempts a Kudome Valentine but Takeshi is too heavy, tries a schoolboy instead but Takeshi blocks it by grabbing the ropes. Yoshiro gives up and goes to the ropes again... caught with the KNOCKOUT LARIAT! Cover, one, two, Yoshiro kicks out. Takeshi pulls him up to try to hit him with a Falcon Arrow Driver but Yoshiro elbows his way free, then hits him with a kneelkick! He goes to the top rope to try a moonsault, but Takeshi manages to get behind him, clubbing him in the back! Takeshi goes up for a Super Tokyo Bomb... but again Yoshiro fights it off... jawbreaker on the ringpost, crotching Monster Takeshi! Going back to the top rope himself, trying to put him in position for a “Tenmaku Heaven” (Avalanche Diamond Dust)... TAKESHI COUNTERS WITH A FLYING POWERSLAM! One, two, three!

AM: OH MAN! That was an amazing finish, and the Monster Takeshi looks like he’s getting back on track. Looks like Eric Gacy isn’t the only big lad on his way to the DPW Title. Next is an interesting confrontation... Joe “Danger” Smith, probably the most hated man in DPW right now, facing off the man who used to hold that spot, Chris Koger, who has not only resisted the Nightmares but actually fought against them!

Joe “Danger” Smith vs Chris Koger

Smith started this out with a punch to the midsection, following up with a knee lift and a big slam. Koger got to his feet and delivered a big shoulder tackle, following up with an elbow drop and a cover for a one count. Koger would pick him up by the head and put him in a headlock, Smith throwing him into the ropes and hitting a shoulder tackle of his own. Lifting Chris up he went for a suplex, but Koger blocked it, attempting his own but Smith would punch him in the ribs, and then hitting a DDT. Smith would hit a lariat, following up with a leg drop and a cover for a two count. Koger would get picked up again, but forearm Smith in the abdomen, following up with a European Uppercut and a snapmare, locking in a sleeper. Smith would get to a vertical base, then get into a headlock, elbowing Koger in the midsection... then he managed to get a hold of Koger’s leg... modified Mountain Bomb! Smith would then lift Koger and throw him to the ropes... FLYING HEADSCISSORS! Koger would get to his feet... BLITZ! One, two, three!

AM: That vicious blitz by Joe “Danger” Smith, one of the most effective finishing moves in the business. And... oh great he’s got a mic again.

JDS: Wake up, Koger.

Koger manages to sit up, favoring his abdomen. O’Brian gets on the PA system to translate for the live audience.

JDS: Koger... you don’t buy October Raven’s crap do you? Fighting for respect and honor? You know you don’t believe in that BS. You’re just whipped because O’Brian kicked your ass. You know just as much as I do... you want to destroy this company. The Nightmares are done with... but you and me, Koger... we can form an alliance that will take over.... a Power Play that the DPW will never forget...
Koger gets up, and takes the mic.

Koger: Power Play, huh? ...I’m in.

Koger and Smith shake hands.

JDS: And October Raven... this time, we WILL take the DPW title. Just you watch and see. And that will just be the beginning of the end.

AM: I don’t believe this.... Koger and Smith teaming up... coming up next, the Geek Squad’s first title defense, against the tandem of REIKA and Frank Desmond.

DPW Tag Team Titles: REIKA/Desmond vs Geek Squad(c)

Xander Starr and Sam S McCloud were dressed in black slacks, white button-up shirts, black necktie and glasses. Sam and REIKA started this out, collar and elbow, Sam gets an arm drag, REIKA gets up and delivers one of her own, followed by a drop toe hold transitioned into a headlock. Sam got to his feet, pushed her off, and got a tag. Xander would get to a springboard and delivered a big dropkick, sending REIKA to her corner for a tag. Desmond would try for a lariat but Xander ducked down and when they both turned around, big kneel kick! Xander would then try for a sweep kick but Desmond would jump over it and elbow drop Xander, picking him up and following up with a big slam. Desmond lifted Xander up and threw him to the ropes, blind tag by Sam, Desmond would try for a spinebuster but Sam dropkicked Xander allowing Xander to land on top Thesz Press style! The Geek Squad then hit a double dropkick before Sam would be on his own... he went up top for a Frog Splash but Desmond got the knees up, tag to REIKA! REIKA would hit a flying lariat and then a Northern Lights Suplex Hold, but Xander broke her bridge with a Hilo! Desmond in the ring too, puts his hand on Xander’s neck for a chokeslam, lifting him up... COUNTER WITH AN ARM DRAG! Sam would stun REIKA with a “Hundred Hand Slap” then the Geek Squad got in position... FLASH DRIVE (Double Ore Ga Taue)! One, two, three!

AM: Nice effort by the boyfriend/girlfriend tandem, but Xander and Sam are two wily young lads. Coming up next, DPW’s former tag team and world champion, Corey O’Brian, faces off against Masashi Togashi. O’Brian got his start in Japan, and Togashi was a former champion of Pro Wrestling VICTORY, having his last match with that promotion right here in the Tokyo Dome. Before we get to that though, some announcements: DPW-J is coming back to the Davie PAL soon. Also, don’t forget to check out the newest shows in the UBL, as well as BIFF. Finally, the date is coming for the World Warriors supershow... on the card, Chris DaMico, wether he walks out of the Tokyo Dome with the DPW title or not, will face UBL’s Thunderstrike. Also, check your local listings for the next DPW-J taping, which will feature Bloody Mary and NEVADA defending the DPW-J tag team championship.

Corey O’Brian vs. Masashi Togashi

O’Brian and Togashi started off by locking horns, O’Brian getting a headlock until Togashi finds a backdoor and gets a hammerlock. O’Brian bent over and rolled through into a kneebar but Togashi got to the ropes. O’Brian would get snapmared and put in a chinlock. O’Brian got to his feet then threw Togashi over his shoulder judo style! O’Brian would hold on to the arm he threw Togashi with and delivered a leg drop, then applied a keylock. Togashi bridged to alleviate the pressure, O’Brian getting up and applying an armlock that the bridge wouldn’t defeat, forcing Togashi to get to the ropes. O’Brian picked Togashi up and wrenched the same arm, elbowing it, Togashi rolling out of the arm wrench and hitting Corey with a back elbow with the other arm.

AM: Corey working the right arm, and Togashi is not a lefty, so we might not see as many chops or elbows from the Dragon King. That’s the kind of wrestler O’Brian is, he studies his opponents inside and out. He knows what arm they favor for strikes, wether they lift more with their back or their legs... so many things his opponent might not even be aware of.

Togashi hit a scoop slam and knee drop to the sternum of O’Brian for a two count. Corey would get up but Togashi would deliver a jumping knee to the temple of the former champ... O’Brian gets up again and Togashi tries a Suicide Plex but O’Brian frees an arm and hits a series of knees to the midsection, then a belly to belly! Corey picks Togashi up... CORE MELTDOWN! But instead of a cover... Corey picks Togashi up, ANOTHER CORE MELTDOWN! One, two, three!

AM: Togashi was OUT after that first Core Meltdown, that second one was completely unnessecary... Corey just stares at the unconsious Togashi... that’s just... unlike him. Coming up next, though, our main event. Jintaro Mazaki is firmly set to finally get the title he’s tried on three occasions to capture. Chris DaMico may be in a precarious state too, as he might be looking past Mazaki and at Thunderstrike...

DPW World Title: Jintaro Mazaki vs Chris DaMico (c)

Jintaro threw some low kicks at DaMico to keep him on his toes at first, then charged forward but DaMico would sidestep and trip him up. DaMico would then hit a pair of hiptosses and a Japanese Arm Drag, transitioning to an armlock. Jintaro did a kip-up and reversed the armlock by throwing DaMico then hit a leg drop for a one count. Jintaro would throw him down judo style next and go for an early J-STF but DaMico kicked himself free, got up, dropped into a guard,crossed Jintaro’s arms and wraps his legs around them!

AM: Twelve Seconds Magic!

Jintaro managed to pull himself to the ropes, forcing DaMico to break and the two got to a vertical base. This time Jintaro got the drop toe hold and transitioned to an elbow drop and headlock, DaMico getting to his feet then hitting a bridging backdrop for a two count. DaMico set for a DaMico DDT but Jintaro got a Northern Lights Suplex for a two count. DaMico went for a superkick but Jintaro caught it... STANDING J-STF! DaMico managed to get to the ropes, but Jintaro kept on and delivered a snapmare followed by a kick to the back. DaMico rolled to his feet and went for a one-legged dropkick but Jintaro blocked it... DaMico got to his feet... J-Cutter! One, two, kickout. Jintaro pulled himself up and went for a J-Germany... DaMico elbowed and got the go-behind... on the shoulders... Jintaro shook him off... INTO A J-GERMANY! ONE, TWO, KICKOUT! DaMico would go for an Emerald Frosion but Jintaro got the backdoor again... REGAL PLEX! ONE, TWO, KICKOUT AGAIN! Jintaro argued with referee Matt Weston, allowing DaMico to recover...turns Jintaro around, DaMico DDT! One, two, th- NO! Jintaro set up for the “J-Rush”, but the sobat was caught...dragon screw by DaMico... JINTARO CLUTCHING HIS LEG IN PAIN!


DaMico pulled him up... La Rosa Del Entiero! Jintaro taps out !

AM: AND IT’S OVER! DaMico retains! Jintaro is still favoring his leg though... DaMico helps him up and the ring crew help Mr. J to the back... WAIT A SECOND! KOGER AND SMITH! THEY’RE RUSHING THE RING, DOUBLE LARIAT TO DAMICO! Koger picks up DaMico... whip to Smith... BLITZ! They’re now picking up the DPW title... what the hell is going on... wait here comes the boss, and Corey too to translate.

OR: If you two think I’m going to let you leave Japan with that belt, you’re either stupid or insane. Now, you two give me ONE GOOD REASON why I shouldn’t fire you on the spot.

Koger: Because if you do, we’ll sell this belt to the Yakuza. Smith knows a guy who knows a guy, he’ll do it.

OR: ...Okay, I’ll tell you what. Drop the belt, leave it in the ring and leave... and I’ll let one of you two assholes have a title match. Not at the next show, though... I’m giving that to someone you, Koger, screwed out of a title win right here in the Tokyo Dome... and while he lost his rematch of that encounter... well, Jintaro’s partner Yoshiro Tenmaku is overdue for another shot at the belt.

AM: That’ll be one to see!

OR: So you’ll be announcing who gets the title shot at the next show. And that’s ALL you two will be doing because you won’t be wrestling. Now... you can take that offer... or I can send EVERYONE in the back out to take that belt from you. Your choice.

Smith and Koger look to each other, and nod, Smith dropping the belt on DaMico’s body.

AM: The Power Play making their presence felt in DPW right off the bat... and once again these two have shown they will stoop to any low to get a shot at the gold. Until next time though, good night!

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