Monday, March 8, 2010


Live from the BankAtlantic Center.

The show started with footage from earlier this week, Xander Starr, Mike Blood, and Robert Gemini heading to a house in Hialeah, Florida. Xander looks to the camera.

XS: "This is Corey's house, I've got the spare key. I've been trying to get in touch with him for weeks... we've been worried about him so we came to make sure he's alright."

Xander would open the door and the three of them would head inside.

XS: "Corey? You there man?"

Corey would emerge from a room, looking less than thrilled.

Corey: "What the hell are you three doing here?"

XS: "Look, Corey. We know you're upset about what happened. And we know you want payback. I know you want him now but you need to wait for it. Until then... we got your back. You won't have to face the Power Play alone."

Corey: "Yes, I do."

XS: "No, you don't."

Corey: "How do I know HE..." (pointing at Gemini) "Isn't still friends with Koger. Or if he..." (Pointing to Blood) " jealous that I managed to beat Monster Takeshi when he couldn't. And most importantly of all, Xander... how do I know that you weren't in on all of this?"

Xander is at a loss for words.

Corey: "I don't. And that's why I am not letting anyone have my back... because I can't trust anyone, especially you three, not to stab it. Get out of my house."

Xander: "Corey..."

Corey: "OUT."

Xander and the others leave as we go to the live action.

Match One: DPW Dojo Match: Stardust vs Marcy Summers
Stardust would be going up against a new member of the Dojo, a 6'11'' 270 pound monster of a woman called Marcy Summers. Stardust would throw some strikes on Marcy, but she would answer back with headbutts and a brutal array of power moves, finishing him off with a crucifix bomb, then picked up Stardust's legs and gave a vicious stomp in an uncomfortable place! Referee Matt Weston called for the bell, but even though Marcy lost the match she was obviously the dominant fighter.

Stardust X [8:01- "Ball Buster" DQ] Marcy Summers O

After the match, "The Times Are A-Changin'" by Bob Dylan played as the Power Play, led by Steven O'Brian, would hit the ring.

Steven: "We all know the real reason my cousin isn't here tonight... is because he's afraid of me. Afraid of us. Afraid to face the fact that he is nothing but a selfish, egotistical HAS-BEEN. And tonight we are going to prove that we, the Power Play, are the true force in DPW. Without the so-called white knight, DPW is NOTHING, and there is nothing they can do to stop us. And after tonight..."

"My Hatred" by Six Feet Under would hit as October Raven stepped out.

OR: "Blah blah blah, all your base are belong to us... heard it all before, Steven. But you know what... I bet that you four assholes all get your asses kicked tonight. In fact... let's make a bet, shall we? Make these matches I set for you guys a little more interesting. If Koger and Smith win in the next match... they get a shot at the tag team titles. If Michael Norcia wins, he gets to book his next opponent. And if YOU win, Steven... you get a shot at the world heavyweight title. BUT! If ALL FOUR of you lose... if the Power Play goes 0-3... Koger, Smith, Norcia... you're all suspended for a year... and Steven will join you, AFTER he faces Corey O'Brian... in a steel cage. Good luck, Power Play... you'll need it."

Steven: "Hey, fine by me. Koger and Smith will crush those punks, Norcia will knock out the big man, and I ain't afraid of no Ghost. In fact, you know who you gonna call OR? Me... as the future DPW champion."

MATCH TWO: Power Play vs Mike Blood and Robert Gemini
Koger was reluctant to face Robert Gemini, and Smith would be left to face Gemini by himself for most of the match. Gemini would be in control for most of it, including putting Smith on his shoulders for Mike Blood to hit a Doomsday Elbow, but Smith would get an advantage over him and Koger would try to take control, but Gemini get a diving tag to Blood, who was a house of fire! The Power Play would come back with double teaming Blood on the floor, and Smith would get in the ring with Blood, throwing him to the ropes for a Blitz, but Gemini got the blind tag, and Smith walked right into a setup for the Falling Star (BT Bomb) for the three count!

Chris Koger/Joe "Danger" Smith X [28:50- "Falling Star"] Mike Blood/Robert Gemini O

MATCH THREE: The Nightmares vs Team Handsome Tokyo
The oldest team in DPW were in full swing at first, but Yoshiro Tenmaku would get cut open by the strikes of the devious Shinokumo and Daisatsu and Jintaro would give his all but wasn't able to get a successful J-Germany or J-STF off. In the end Daisatsu would force Jintaro to submit to a neck hang to end the match.

Raiku Daisatsu O/Shinokumo [28:50- Neck Hang] Yoshiro Tenmaku/Jintaro Mazaki X

MATCH FOUR: Micheal Norcia vs Monster Takeshi
We saw the old Monster in this match, Norcia getting little offense at first, until a missed Knockout Lariat allowed Norcia to take him down and rain blows on the former champion. Takeshi would recover and hit a Tokyo Tower Bomb, but everyone was SHOCKED when Norcia kicked out! Norcia would try a Hand of God but Takeshi ducked it, hit a Knockout Lariat, and another Tokyo Tower Bomb for the three count.

Micheal Norcia X [16:56- Tokyo Tower Bomb] Monster Takeshi O

MATCH FIVE: Frank Desmond vs Jin Haisha
Desmond didn't want to look bad on the same show his girlfriend was getting a title shot on, and Haisha seemed a little too confident after beating Monster Takeshi. Desmond kept the match on the ground working Jin's leg, and when Jin went for a superkick he hesitated long enough for Desmond to duck it and hit a Chokeslam for the win.

Frank Desmond O [11:40- Chokeslam] Jin Haisha X

MATCH SIX: Steven O'Brian vs Ghost
This match was INTENSE, with Steven not wanting to face his cousin anytime soon and Ghost was at all cylinders. Ghost would control most of the match but as it progressed Steven managed to get the momentum his way. Ghost would try a Shooting Star Press, but Steven got the knees up. He would go for a backdrop for a two count, and Ghost would answer with "Buried Alive" (Complete Shot), but Steven got his foot on the ropes. Ghost would pick Steven up but Steven would grab him by the throat for a balatant choke! He broke it at four, then hit Ghost with a sick backdrop for the three count.

Steven O'Brian O [25:32- Backdrop] Ghost X

MATCH SEVEN: DPW Tag Team Title: Masashi Togashi and Hotaka Tokudo vs Geek Squad (c)
The brutal strong style veterans were in full force, but Xander and McCloud are on a roll, making this a back and forth bout with lots of close calls. Tokudo would throw Xander Starr OVER THE ROPES TO THE FLOOR at one point, while Sam S McCloud got a two count with an Instant Hell Murder (53 Sai) on Togashi. Tokudo tried a Bohi (tombstone) but Xander countered into one of his own for a two count. Togashi and Tokudo would unload on the champs, and Tokudo would hit a Bohi for a nearfall on Xander. Tokudo would try to irish whip Xander, but would get countered and Xander got a Momoe*Clutch for a surprising three count!

Masahi Togashi/Hotaka Tokudo X [38:45- Momoe*Clutch] Xander Starr O/Sam S McCloud

MAIN EVENT: DPW Title Match: REIKA vs Chris DaMico (c)
DaMico and REIKA put on one hell of a main event, this match going a mile a minuite, REIKA missing a REIKA DiveBomb (45o) and ending up on the floor allowing DaMico to hit her with a springboard dropkick to the outside! They went back in the ring and DaMico would lock in La Rosa Del Enterio (Mexican Stretch) but REIKA managed to get her leg on the rope! REIKA tried a Northern Lights Suplex hold, but DaMico hit his DaMico DDT to counter, then put REIKA in a NOSAWA Clutch for a three count.

REIKA X [16:38- NOSAWA Clutch] Chris DaMico O

"Times Are A-Changin'" would be heard again as Steven would come out, sarcastically clapping.

Steven: "Well, well, well. The king of flukes does it again. You know, DaMico... I can't wait to beat you, but I don't want to be cheated out by one of your little flash pins... so to make sure that doesn't happen... let's make it... best of three falls."

DaMico: "You know Socks...."

Steven: "STEVEN!"

DaMico: "Whatever, Socks... I like how you seem to think I win just by luck. In other words, when I beat your boy Joe "Danger" Smith to win the Demolition Derby, that was 'just luck'.... when I became the first person in DPW history to pin Monster Takeshi... that was 'just luck'. When I beat Corey O'Brian for the title, that was 'just luck'. And last month when I nearly made Michael Norcia tap..."

Steven: "But you didn't!"

DaMico: "I would have if you and your buddies didn't break the hold for him... so you want me to prove I deserve this belt? Fine by me. I'll be more than happy to kick your ass... twice in one night."

"My Hatred" would play as OR came out.

OR: "Well... Steven, you want this... DaMico, you want this... and I know the fans would LOVE to see Steven lose twice in a row... so it's on. Next show, Steven O'Brian vs Chris DaMico, best of three falls. Also... Norcia, you put a hell of a fight against Takeshi, and I know you're a man who wants to prove himself... so I'm going to let you face Takeshi again... in a last man standing match. As for Koger and Smith well... only one of you is going to be wrestling at the next show. Good news is, I'm going to let you decide who gets the match. Bad news... it's against Corey O'Brian."

OR would leave as Steven O'Brian and Chris DaMico stared each other down to end the show.

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