Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Osaka Dome Show and More

In a DPW.com exclusive, Angus MacDudley, on authority of October Raven who was sealing the deal for the Tokyo Dome show called for a meeting in an office in the Osaka Dome. Yoshiro Tenmaku was already there...

YT: Look, we've been here for fifteen minuites, can you tell me...
*the door opens, and Jintaro Mazaki steps in*
YT: What the hell...
AM: If you two fight, I have the authority to fire BOTH of you. So sit down and listen to me.
*Jintaro and Yoshiro slowly sit down, staying away from each other*
AM: Now, DPW is a family. So when one of us has a problem, we all have a problem. Now I don't know the entire story behind you two getting into a tiff...
JM: Well...
AM: And I wasn't asking to hear it. But it's clear that you two have problems, so we're going to settle them in the ring. So at the upcoming show, it's going to be the both of you against each other in a lumberjack match. And as an incentive... the two of you are both natives of Tokyo, and I know the both of you want to represent your hometown at the Tokyo Dome. So the winner of your match will face whoever is the world champion at the Tokyo Dome... and the loser will not be allowed into the arena, even with a ticket. And I want to make one thing crystal clear... if either of you so much as put a finger on the other before the bell for your match rings, neither of you will be at the Dome Show, or any other DPW show. Got that?
JM: Yeah.
YT: Fine by me.
AM: Good. Now, if there's anything you want to say to each other, say it now, because I don't want to see you two anywhere near each other until the show.
YT: Jintaro, in Hokkaido, I just wanted to apologize for messing up. I dropped the ball and I understand you're upset about that. But to attack me, drag me out to the ring and beat me up in front of everyone... you went too far. You made it personal. I'm going to teach you a lesson you'll never forget.
JM: Wait, I made it personal? You're the one who screws up every time we're in the ring together. You're the reason why we're 0-3 as a team in DPW. Where as I am one of the top-ranked wrestlers in the company. I had a five star match, and you? You've gone nowhere. I attacked you because I'm sick and tired of being held down by you.
YT: You know what? I'm not going to argue that. In fact that makes perfect sense, you were frustrated. But that doesn't mean I'm going to go any softer on you. You hurt me big time in Hokkaido, and I'm going to hurt you back. After that... well, I think if you give me another chance, we can make this team work. That's up to you.
JM: Whatever.

DPW Japan Tour: Osaka Dome
Jin Haisha vs Frank Desmond
Thomas Clarke vs REIKA
Chris DaMico and Robert Gemini vs Corey and Socks O'Brian
Raiku Daisatsu vs Hotaka Tokudo
Kevin Williams vs Mike Blood
Tony Pescarelli and Amazing Jean-Paul vs Red Death
Grudge Match, Lumberjack Rules: At The Tokyo Dome Winner Main Events, Loser Barred From The Arena- Jintaro Mazaki vs Yoshiro Tenmaku
DPW World Heavyweight Championship- Masashi Togashi vs Monster Takeshi(c)

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

DPW in Hokkaido Results! (12/19/07)

XS: Welcome to DPW Japan Tour in Hokkaido! I'm Xander Starr and I'm here with a living legend, former world champion, "The Scottish Warrior" Angus MacDudley.

AM: We are at the Hokkaido Prefectural Sports Center, the second stop on our trip, and we're planning to go all over this country, and we're in talks with the owners of the Tokyo Dome to end our tour on what is without a doubt the greatest stage in our sport.

XS: But we're not here to shill the tour, we're here to call the action for tonight's show. And what a show it is, ladies and gentlemen, four tag team matches, the first round of a tournament to crown the first DPW Tag Team Champions. We're brining in some new blood as well, in fact the first match in the tournament features a kid named Robert Gemini in his first big-leauge match.

AM: Many young lions are in DPW, like Jintaro Mazaki, Frank Desmond, REIKA, Mike Blood, and now Robert Gemini. But that's not all we have for our fans, folks.

XS: That's right, Angus. Speaking of Mike Blood, he's made the challenge to face the undefeated world champion, Monster Takeshi. Angus, you've faced your share of big men, and you are a big man yourself, how can Mike Blood take down Monster Takeshi?

AM: He's going to need to hit Takeshi hard and fast, and not let up for a second. Mike Blood is one of the hardest-hitting athletes in the business and if anyone can beat Takeshi, Blood can with that brutal Lariat of his.

XS: That lariat has won him many matches in his short career, and it's going to be interesting to see if he can win with that. But right now ladies and gentlemen we have our opening contest. Jin Haisha, everyone's favorite loveable loser, faces the man whose winning streak was brought to a screeching halt by Mike Blood, the demonic warrior Raiku Daisatsu, who apparently has a new entrance theme!


AM: What a nice move there by Daisatsu to win this match!

XS: That is was, Angus, that reverse suplex dropping Haisha right on his face, an exclamation point to the damage dealt by those brutal headbutts that Daisatsu is known for, and Raiku has made short work of Jin Haisha.

Haisha X (5:47- Reverse Suplex) Daisatsu O

AM: Our next bout is between Masashi Togashi and Hotaka Tokudo and "The King of Roses" Chris DaMico and the new kid on the block Robert Gemini. We're going to see what this young kid is made of.

XS: One hell of a welcome for Gemini, though, going against two of the toughest men in DPW, two veterans of the ring. DaMico has a couple years under his belt as well, an amazing technical wrestler with incredible agility. It'll be interesting to see how this plays out, but man you got to think that DaMico and Gemini drew the proverbial short straw in this match.

AM: Not looking good indeed for those two, and here comes the veterans, let's check out the action.


AM: What an upset! All four men were in the ring going at each other and in the confusion Gemini made a quick cover on a stunned Tokudo for a pinfall!

XS: Gemini showed a lot of promise in this match, and even picked up a suprise win, but you know, during that match he had a lot of 'deer in the headlights' moments, where he seemed like he didn't know what to do. He's going to have to work on that if he wants to make it here in DPW, where the best athletes in the world compete.

AM: Absolutely, nevertheless, he and DaMico advance to the semifinals in an outcome that nobody could have seen coming.

Tokudo X/Togashi (33:05- Pinfall) DaMico/Gemini O

XS: Next up, some good friends of mine, Corey O'Brian and his cousin Socks. Corey missed out on the Yokohama show due to an injury caused by Hotaka Tokudo, and Socks himself is lucky to be here after having his shoulder dislocated by Genocide in Yokohama. I've had shoulder injuries myself that's why my own career has been cut short, let me tell you, those really hurt.

AM: I know what you mean lad, but them O'Brians are tough as old nails. Socks hasn't picked up a win yet in DPW though, which would with Corey's neck, not 100% at the moment, would seem that they're the underdogs in this, but their opponents, Team Handsome Tokyo, "Mr. J" Jintaro Mazaki and "The Sexy Hero Revolution" Yoshiro Tenmaku, not very sucessful as a team so far, have yet to pick up a win in DPW as a team.

XS: You're absolutely right, Angus, but one of these two have got to get the win. For those at home, these matches have no time limit, and in the event of a double countout, the two men who were not counted out will face off in a lumberjack match with their partners serving as the lumberjacks. In other words, there will be a winner to each of these tag team encounters.

AM: Well the O'Brians are about to come out, and later on Corey O'Brian will lend us his insight on the world title match.


XS: Was that three? It was! Unbelieveable! Socks pulls off his first win in DPW with that backdrop of his winning this match and moving on, they'll be facing Chris DaMico and Robert Gemini in our next stop in the tour.

AM: Both of the O'Brians went high-risk in this match, Corey with an amazing flying Shotei, Socks with a Super Sock Hop, but Team Handsome Tokyo looked like they were going to win, Tenmaku dropped Corey right on the injured neck with that Kudome Valentine, and both he and Jintaro working his neck with those STFs.

XS: But Corey managed to make the tag to Socks who clawed his way to a great victory, and... well, wait a second, Mazaki just shoved Tenmaku, apparently not happy with the fact that Tenmaku didn't make the save.

AM: Well I think he's frustrated. He's had some incredible singles action, beating the man who trained him, Masashi Togashi, and going 60 minuites with Monster Takeshi. The two of them have wrestled all over Japan as a team together but I think the recent failures are bringing that to a stop.

Corey/Socks O (26:15- Back Drop) Mazaki X/Tenmaku

XS: Next up folks, the tag team of "Anarchy in the UK", Thomas Clarke and "The Anarchist" Kevin Williams, facing off against two newcomers, Tony Pescarelli and The Amazing Jean-Paul.

AM: Pescarelli an accomplished technical wrestler with a wide array of moves to put men away with including the Naples Clutch, a seated Full Nelson that's been the finish to many a match. Despite his size he can use leverage to hit a powerbomb on his opponents. Amazing Jean-Paul, a black belt in the french martial art of Savate, has incredible agility and amazing athleticism.

XS: Speaking of great technicians, Thomas Clarke nearly put away the champ Monster Takeshi in Yokohama, hitting those London Bombers, and some could argue that he came the closest to dethroning Takeshi so far. And let's not forget Kevin Williams, a quality athlete in his own right, with an unorthodox offense and the Revolutionizer, that rolling senton bomb. It'll be interesting to see how this one turns out.


AM: Out of nowhere! Thomas Clarke had that fisherman's suplex, but after Tony Pescarelli broke it Amazing Jean-Paul floated over for a pinfall. What a great match and you got to give effort to all four men.

XS: Definately, Angus. In a rematch I think it could have easily gone the other way just as easily as it could have been the same result. Regardless I think we can expect big things for the victorious newcomers.

Williams/Clarke X (36:50- Flash Pin) Pescarelli/AJP O

AM: And the last tag match of the show, folks, Red Death, the team of Shinokumo and Genocide face REIKA and Frank Desmond in a rematch from Battle of Boston. Should be interesting to note there is quite a bit of history between these two teams.

XS: That's right. First, Desmond lost his DPW debut against Genocide and on a later show REIKA got a big win over Shinokumo using her REIKA DiveBomb, then that tag match at Battle of Boston where Shinokumo made Desmond tap out to that claw hold, then Shinokumo and Desmond faced each other again to the same result. What's also interesting is the relationship between "Mr. Las Vegas" Frank Desmond and the joshi phenom REIKA. There are rumors that they are more than just occasional tag partners, Angus.

AM: Well those rumors aside, Xander, the two of them have a tall order ahead of them. Red Death are an unbeaten combination, and Genocide has only lost one match here in DPW and that was in the world championship tournament. And let's not forget what happened in Yokohama, how he nearly ripped Socks O'Brian's arm off. Let's hope for these two youngsters that the same fate doesn't happen to them.


XS: Well you got to give an A for effort to the youngsters, they showed great chemistry, unfortunately it wasn't enough.

AM: That Kimura Armbar, such a painful hold, made REIKA pass out, and Genocide being very clever and holding back Frank Desmond. Red Death will advance to the semifinals and they'll face Tony Pescarelli and The Amazing Jean-Paul... and I wouldn't want to be those two lads after watching Red Death tear apart their competition.

XS: Yeah, you got to wonder what are going through the minds of all the other semifinalists knowing that the dominant force that is Red Death made short work of their opponents.

Shinokumo O/Genocide (17:22- Kimura Armbar -> Pin) REIKA X/Desmond

AM: And now our main event, and here to give us insight on the match is none other than Corey O'Brian.

CO: Thanks Angus, Xander.

XS: Let's start with Mike Blood. What does he... or anyone else for that matter... have to do to beat a guy like Monster Takeshi?

CO: That's a tough question, but I noticed one thing about Monster Takeshi in my match against him. His upper body is harder than a wrecking ball, but his lower body isn't as strong. If I were him I'd use that Figure Four of his to his advantage, take away the legs of a powerhouse like Takeshi, and it's harder for him to use his big offense like the Tokyo Tower Bomb and the Falcon Arrow Driver.

AM: And what should Monster Takeshi do to retain?

CO: Hell, he should do what he's always been doing. Steamroll over his opponent using his sheer power and size. Might be a bit tougher to take down a guy who has almost as much high-impact offense as he does, but you know what they say, if it's not broken...

XS: Okay, Corey... who would you put money on to win this.

CO: That's a tough one. I'm personally rooting for Mike, but... Vegas odds are on the champ to retain.

AM: Well thank you Corey O'Brian for your take on the main event, and it looks like they're getting ready to start the big match so let's go to the action!


XS: Well, Corey knows how to pick 'em, doesn't he?

AM: That was an amazing finish, too. Mike Blood was going for that superkick, Takeshi blocked it and nailed a Falcon Arrow Driver to get the pinfall victory. But you have to wonder if Mike Blood did hit that kick if the outcome would have been different.

XS: Well what if doesn't matter in the big dance, Angus, the champion retains once again. Who is going to be able to stop Monster Takeshi?

Blood X (20:26- Falcon Arrow Driver) Takeshi O- Takeshi Retains the DPW Title

AM: Well ladies and gentlemen... what the hell? Mazaki and Tenmaku, Team Handsome Tokyo, are slugging it out at ringside... and now they're in the ring...


XS: And now security pulling Mazaki off of Tenmaku, Tenmaku's not moving after that STF... that's all the time we have but check back at DPW's website for more on this unbelieveable turn of events!

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

DPW in Hokkaido, Tag Team Tournament, and Corey returns!

DPW Japan Tour: Hokkaido
Live at the Hokkaido Prefectural Sports Center, Seating over 8,000
Jin Haisha vs Raiku Daisatsu
Hotaka Tokudo and Masashi Togashi vs Chris DaMico and Robert Gemini
Corey and Socks O'Brian vs Team Handsome Tokyo
Anarchy in the UK vs Tony Pescarelli and Amazing Jean-Paul
Red Death vs Frank Desmond and REIKA
DPW World Heavyweight Championship- Mike Blood vs Monster Takeshi(c)

DPW is having a tag team tournament for the first Tag Team championships, including three new members of our roster ("The Star" Robert Gemini, Tony Pescarelli, and Amazing Jean-Paul), as well as the triumphant return of Corey O'Brian! Also Mike Blood challenges Monster Takeshi for the DPW title. Stay tuned!

Friday, December 7, 2007

DPW in Yokohama Results!

At the Yokohama Arena, a Super No Vacancy of over 17,000, DPW opened up their Japan Tour. DPW filmed it all with commentary by none other by Corey O'Brian!

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

DPW begins the Japan Tour... without Corey O'Brian?

DPW's first leg of the Japan Tour has been announced, in the legendary Yokohama Arena. DPW founder October Raven expects to fill all 17,000 seats.

One person who people have been wondering if he will be there is Corey O'Brian. The wrestler has undergone an emergency neck surgery. Corey says he will be wrestling again, however, not in Yokohama. Corey will still be there, however. Being fluent in Japanese, he will serve as a translator for the non-Japanese speaking members of DPW as they do press conferences and interviews until he is able to perform in the ring.

DPW also says they are working on bringing in new talent to perform in the Japan Tour, however no names have been confirmed and will not be in Yokohama.

The card for the Yokohama event is as follows:

DPW Japan Tour: Yokohama
Jin Haisha vs Kevin Williams
Genocide vs Socks O'Brian
REIKA vs Chris DaMico
Mike Blood vs Raiku Daisatsu
Shinokumo vs Frank Desmond
Team Handsome Tokyo (Jintaro Mazaki and Yoshiro Tenmaku) vs Hotaka Tokudo & Masashi Togashi
DPW World Heavyweight Championship- Thomas Clarke vs Monster Takeshi(c)

This is Thomas Clarke's first championship match outside of England. He is said to be thrilled with the oppurtunity. When asked how he planned to fight Takeshi, he was going to use the advantage of leverage and hit him with the London Bomber when he least expects it. Takeshi says that Clarke may be different from his other opponents, but he will end the same way as the rest: Pinned.

Will Clarke be the first to slay the Monster? Will Takeshi continue to run roughshod over the DPW roster? Find out when DPW's Japan Tour begins, very soon!

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Battle of Boston Results


Jin Haisha X (7:23- Bloody Wizard) Mike Blood O
Socks O'Brian X (11:34- White Mirage) Yoshiro Tenmaku O
Kevin Williams X (16:52- Headbutt->Splash) Raiku Daisatsu O
"Red Death": Shinokumo O & Genocide (21:10- Claw) Frank Desmond X & REIKA
Thomas Clarke O (25:58- London Bomber) Chris DaMico X
Corey O'Brian X (8:48- Bohi) Hotaka Tokudo O
DPW Title Match: Masashi Togashi, Jintaro Mazaki X (28:55- Falcon Arrow Driver) Monster Takeshi(c) O- 3rd Defense

Corey O'Brian was hospitalized after his match, and is currently in the emergency room being looked at. No word yet on whether he will be on the shelf, but things are not looking good as Corey has had neck problems in the past.

Sunday, November 18, 2007

Battle of Boston Announced and more.

Jin Haisha vs Mike Blood

Socks O'Brian vs Yoshiro Tenmaku
Kevin Williams vs Raiku Daisatsu
Red Death (Genocide and Shinokumo) vs REIKA and Frank Desmond
Thomas Clarke vs Chris DaMico
Corey O'Brian vs Hotaka Tokudo
DPW World Heavyweight Championship, Lumberjack Rules, There Must Be A Winner- Masashi Togashi vs Jintaro Mazaki vs Monster Takeshi(c)

Mike Blood did a sit-down interview with a famous pro wrestling magazine today. Here is an excerpt: "Since the recent tragedies in wrestling and concern over steroid abuse, the question I've been asked more than anything else is 'have you ever done steroids?'. People claim that my weight loss is because I've been off the juice, but this is absolutely untrue. I've never taken any steroids, or any illegal drugs, in my entire life. And anyone who wants to prove me wrong can try to. I carry a sampling cup with me everywhere I go. If you see me, I don't give two shits where, I'll show you the empty cup, go to the nearest bathroom, fill it up, and give you the sample so you can see that I don't take steroids. I would have never made it in the original DPW, or this new incarnation of DPW, because they test everyone and if you fail once you're done. I got this physique the hard way and I'll be damned if I'm going to let anyone say otherwise."

The rumors are true, DPW will be touring Japan in the near future, starting with Yokohama, going all over the country.

DPW management have ruled that, while there was no clear-cut winner to the world title match, Monster Takeshi will remain as champion. However, the upcoming three-way match that is booked must have a winner. Remember that in DPW, there are no easy ways out. Titles can change hand by DQs and countouts.

Friday, November 16, 2007

Legacy of Honor + Recap






Genocide was dominant as ever, mopping the floor with Jin Haisha. Jin was able to escape the dreaded Kimura Armbar, but tapped out in 5:07 to a Fujiwar

Anarchy in the UK (Coming out to a team theme this time around) had an excellent encounter with Chris DaMico and "Mr. Las Vegas" Frank Desmond. This was an exciting back and forth match. Chris DaMico did some absolutely amazing pinning combinations, but in the end fell to Thomas Clarke's half crab in 33:19

Raiku Daisatsu and Yoshiro Tenmaku was another hard-fought battle. Tenmaku tried to put the match away early with two Kudome Valentines and an SHRSTF, but despite having the advantage for most of the match, it was all over as soon as Daisatsu busted him wide open with the ring post and a headbutt on the floor. The Satanic Offering lead to a knockout victory in 10:42.

REIKA did battle with Shinokumo, and the female phenom did impressively well over the man who went all the way to the DPW Championship Finals. REIKA used her REIKA Divebomb for the first time in a DPW ring, and it was all over in 17:53

Masashi Togashi and Hotaka Tokudo faced Corey O'Brian and his cousin Socks in a special tag attraction. Corey O'Brian did impressively well in the ring against Hotaka Tokudo for the first time, and Socks held his own as well, but the Japanese team managed to score a Togashi flash pin over Corey O'Brian in 27:45

Finally, "Mr. J" Jintaro Mazaki challenged Monster Takeshi for the DPW Championship. This match was absolutely electric, a back and forth encounter with both men being taken to their limits. The J-Germany and Tokyo Tower Bomb both came into play more than once, with nearfall after nearfall after nearfall. Takeshi had the Falcon Arrow Driver just as the time limit expired, leading to a one-hour draw! DPW Management are reviewing this encounter to decide what will be in store for the championship. Check back here for more details as they come.

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

The Razorback comes home?

"The Razorback" Mike Blood, who spent his rookie year in the previous incarnation of DPW, culminating a world title victory, is in talks with DPW management about returning to the company that launched his career. Mike has spent most of his time since the first DPW's fallout in Japan and plans to head back to the US as soon as he finishes his tour.

Mike Blood was the first graduate of the original DPW's development league, the RWA, and was a huge hit from the very beginning. He's lost 10 pounds and changed his hair color since then, but he's still the same hard-hitting Razorback that is sure to once again be a key player in DPW's scene.

More on this as it develops.

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Legacy of Honor Card

Legacy of Honor, DPW's third event, was announced with a full card at a press conference in Ft. Lauderdale, Florida this evening. DPW President October Raven read through the scheduled card:

Jin Haisha vs Genocide
Anarchy in the UK (Kevin Williams and Thomas Clarke) vs Frank Desmond and Chris DaMico
Yoshiro Tenmaku vs Raiku Daisatsu
REIKA vs Shinokumo
Masashi Togashi and Hotaka Tokudo vs Corey and Socks O'Brian
DPW World Heavyweight Championship- Jintaro Mazaki vs Monster Takeshi(c)

Also there was a few of DPW's top names, including Corey O' Brian, who said, "As a fan of Tokudo's work, I'm honored to be able to be in the same ring as one of the legends of Japanese wrestling."

Also there was Jintaro Mazaki, who was accompanied by his girlfriend. Jintaro said he has studied Takeshi and found a weakness, and that when he goes back to Tokyo he'll have the DPW belt with him.

O'Brian, Mazaki, and REIKA spent time after the show to sign autographs and take pictures for fans.

Monday, November 12, 2007

DPW Roster (Last Updated: 1/22/08)

Here is the DPW Roster.
Name: Corey O' Brian
Hometown: Hialeah, Florida
Height/Weight: 6'7'' 247 Pounds
Theme Music: "Ronin" by Machinae Supremacy
Finishing Move: Core Meltdown (Original Powerbomb)
Trademark Moves: Shotei, Fisherman's Buster (Fisherman's DDT), Sharpshooter
Titles: Tag Team Champion (W/Socks O'Brian)

Veteran of the ring and multi-time World Champion, trained by Jinsei Shinzaki.
Name: "The Dragon King" Masashi Togashi
Hometown: Osaka, Japan
Height/Weight: 6'2'' 228 Pounds
Theme Music: "Dragon's Child" by Iced Earth
Finishing Move: Suicide Plex (W. Armlock Suplex)
Trademark Moves: Dragon Suplex, Brainbuster, Lariat
Titles Won: N/A

Like O'Brian, is a longtime veteran wrestler, with roots in traditional puroresu.
Name: "The Sexy Hero Revolution" Yoshiro Tenmaku
Hometown: Shibuya District of Tokyo, Japan
Height/Weight: 5'11'' 212 Pounds
Theme Music: "More Human Than Human" by White Zombie
Finishing Move: Tenmaku Heaven (Diamond Dust, used as sub for Super Diamond Dust)
Trademark Moves: White Mirage (Complete Shot), Kudome Valentine (Schwein, used as sub for Vertebreaker), SHRSTF
Titles Won: N/A

Charismatic junior heavyweight who considers himself God's gift to women.
Name: "Mr J" Jintaro Mazaki
Hometown: Tokyo, Japan
Height/Weight: 5'10'' 200 pds
Theme Music: "I Am The King" by Cage
Finishing Move: J-Germany (High Angle German Suplex)
Trademark Moves: J-Cutter (Peace Crusher), J-Rush (Back Spin Kick Rush)
Titles Won: N/A

Student of Masashi Togashi, a promising upstart with a cocky attitude.
Name: Monster Takeshi
Hometown: Kyushu, Japan
Height/Weight: 6'10'' 287 pds
Theme Music: "Doomsday" by Six Feet Under
Finishing Move: Tokyo Tower Bomb (Dangerous Powerbomb/Last Ride)
Trademark Moves: Knockout Lariat (Western Lariat), Atomic Whip
Titles Won: DPW Champion (Current)

The largest and most powerful man on the DPW roster, who has been dominant so far in the comapany.
Name: "The Anarchist" Kevin Williams
Hometown: Los Angeles, California
Height/Weight: 6' 225 Pounds
Theme Music: "Rock is Dead" by Marilyn Manson
Finishing Move: Revolutionizer (Rolling Senton)
Trademark Moves: Anarchy Around The World (Dolphin Backbreaker), Anarchy Stomp (Running Foot Stamp to Face)
Titles Won: N/A

Rookie wrestler who refuses to back down from anyone.
Name: Genocide
Hometown: Osaka, Japan
Height/Weight: 6'1'' 230 pounds
Theme Music: "Cry My Name" by Bloodbath
Finishing Move: Kimura Armbar (Double Wrist Lock)
Trademark Moves: Forearm to the Throat (Elbow Pat), Genocide Kick (Backbrain Kneelkick)
Titles Won: N/A

Masked shootfighter who is lethal on his feet and on the ground.
Name: Shinokumo
Hometown: Unknown
Height/Weight: 6' 224 pounds
Theme Music: "War Ensemble" by Slayer
Finishing Move: Blood Web Driver (W. Arm Facebuster/Pedigree)
Trademark Moves: Moonsualt, Spider Venom (Green Mist)
Titles Won: N/A

Mysterious wrestler who is known for fighting dirty.
Name: Thomas Clarke
Hometown: London, England
Height/Weight: 6'3'' 239 pounds
Theme Music: "Hero" by Machinae Supremacy
Finishing Move: London Bomber (Duggan Hammer/Axe Bomber)
Trademark Moves: Her Majesty's Backdrop (Backdrop Driver), Her Majesty's Backbreaker (Swinging Backbreaker)
Titles Won: N/A

Longtime fan favorite in his homeland, leaving the British Isles for the first time to join DPW.
Hometown: Chiba Prefecture, Japan
Height/Weight: 5'9'' 178 pounds
Theme Music: "High Speed SAMURAI" by Sex Machineguns
Finishing Move: REIKA Divebomb (450 Splash)
Trademark Moves: Northern Lights Suplex
Titles Won: N/A

Female sensation who proves that women can more than handle their own with men.
Name: "Mr. Las Vegas" Frank Desmond
Hometown: Las Vegas, Nevada
Height/Weight: 6'4'' 232 Pounds
Theme Music: "Dead Girl Superstar" by Rob Zombie
Finishing Move: Jackpot Kick (Springboard Dropkick)
Trademark Moves: Chokeslam
Titles Won:

A newcomer to the ring who can hit you with a chokeslam at any time.
Name: "The King of Roses" Chris DaMico
Hometown: Soho, New York
Height/Weight: 5'11 211 Pounds
Theme Music: "Kaori Stomp" by Machinae Supremacy
Finishing Move: La Rosa Del Entierro ("Funeral Rose" Mexican Stretch)
Trademark Moves: DaMico DDT (DDT), Camel Clutch
Titles Won: N/A

Versed in the lucha libre style, DaMico is looking to prove himself on the big stage.
Name: Socks O'Brian
Hometown: Redneck City, Alabama
Height/Weight: 5' 10'' 180 pounds
Theme Music: "Sweet Child O' Mine" by Guns N Roses
Finishing Move: Sock Hop (Running Double Stomp)
Trademark Moves: Sock Bottom (Body Clutch Slam/Rock Bottom), Stocking Stuffer (Superkick), Back Drop
Titles Won: Tag Team Champions (with Corey O'Brian)

Cousin of Corey O'Brian. While he doesn't have Corey's experience and technical skill, he has his champion's heart.
Name: "Battle Lord" Hotaka Tokudo
Hometown: Tokyo, Japan
Height/Weight: 6'3'' 250 Pounds
Theme Music: "Crimson King" by Demons & Wizards
Finishing Move: Bohi (Tombstone Piledriver)
Trademark Moves: Lariat, Release German Suplex
Titles Won: N/A

Journeyman of the Japanese circut, known for his stiff style.
Name: Raiku Daisatsu
Hometown: South of Heaven
Height/Weight: 6'4'' 242 pounds
Theme Music: "Desire In Violent Overture" by Cradle of Filth
Finishing Move: Satanic Offering (Tiger Driver 91)
Trademark Moves: Death Valley Bomb, Headbutt
Titles Won: N/A

Devil-worshipping masked wrestler with a mean streak a mile wide.
Name: "The Star" Robert Gemini
Hometown: Hollywood, California
Height/Weight: 6' 221 pds
Theme Music: "Attack Music" by Machinae Supremacy
Finishing Move: Fallen Star (Crucifix Bomb)
Trademark Moves: Fist Drop, Figure Four, Butterfly Effect (Butterfly DDT)

Blue-chipper with infinite potential and lots of charisma.
Name: "The Razorback" Mike Blood
Hometown: Sacramento, California
Height/Weight: 6'8'' 264 pounds
Theme Music: "Crush 'Em" by Megadeth
Finishing Move: LARIATOOOOOO!
Trademark Moves: Bloody Wizard (Shining Wizard), Superkick, Raining Blood (Moonsault)

While he has less than two years under his belt, he has already won a world championship. His hard-hitting style makes him a favorite among fans.
Name: Amazing Jean-Paul
Hometown: Mariselle, France
Height/Weight: 5'10'' 182 pounds
Theme Music: "Killer Instinct" by Machinae Supremacy
Finishing Move: La Victoire (Neckbreaker)
Trademark Moves: Inoki-Style Armbreaker, Jumping High Kick, Axe Kick

World class athlete, and a Savate black belt with blinding fast speed.
Name: Tony Pescarelli
Hometown: Naples, Italy
Height/Weight: 6'' 198 pounds
Theme Music: "Black Fire" by DragonForce
Finishing Move: Naples Clutch (Seated Full Nelson)
Trademark Moves: Italian Suplex II (Bridging Tiger Suplex), Powerbomb

Experienced technical wrestler who can stretch his opponents as well as put them in quick pinning predicaments.
Name: "American Made" Chris Koger
Hometown: Richmond, Virginia
Height/Weight: 6'5'' 250 pounds
Theme Music: "1776" by Iced Earth
Finishing Move: Koger Driver (Screwdriver)
Trademark Moves: Patriot Act (Tornado Bomb), Press Slam

Xenophobic and jingoist heel who made a huge impact by interfering in the Tokyo Dome match.
Name: "Most Failure" Jin Haisha
Hometown: Kyoto, Japan
Height/Weight: 6' 200 pds
Theme Music: "Born to Lose" by Black Sabbath
Finishing Move: Superkick
Trademark Moves: Chops
Titles Won: N/A
He's got heart... but not much else. Despite being winless in DPW, he's got a following because of his spirit.

Welcome to Demolition Pro Wrestling!

DPW is an FPW2 E-Fed, started and run by me.

Two shows are under DPW's belt, Phoenix Rising and Prepare For War.

The card for the third show, Legacy of Honor, will be posted here.

Check back for roster information and more as well.